Voronezh will not bomb the country Defense Minister said the - TopicsExpress


Voronezh will not bomb the country Defense Minister said the development of space nuclear deterrent infox.sg/…/frame/-voronezh-ne-dast-bombit-stranu/ Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said Thursday on a conference call about the development of a single space system (CEN), which should be one of the key means of nuclear deterrence. The Defense Ministry did not hide the fact that the new system - this is our response to US missile defense. Called the new system radar Voronezh-DM. Discussion CEN has become one of the key points of the meeting. According to Shoigu, with the help of Russian military will be able to detect launches of ballistic missiles of various types, including starts prototypes of the waters of the oceans and from the country, conducting the test. The system, according to the minister, will include a new generation of spacecraft, as well as modernized command posts. The exact number of modern monitoring stations, which will be put on duty, the military did not name, but noted that they will be as long as necessary for the security of the country. Modern stations are replacing built in the Soviet era radar targets such as radar Gabala in Azerbaijan. Stop using it had back in 2012, as Russia did not satisfy the conditions of the Azerbaijani authorities. Elements of the system have already been deployed in Kaliningrad, Armavir and Irkutsk. In addition, the station was upgraded in Sevastopol. On duty are already ten such stations, which is one of the Russian military has called the eyes of our country. The new station radar Voronezh-DM can view the whole of Europe and the Atlantic Ocean, and to keep the visibility up to 500 objects. The cost of creating such a station - about 1.5 billion rubles. The military say that it is the station of this type was recently recorded the launch of the Israeli ballistic missile missile defense system. This start-up carried out in the framework of cooperation between the Missile Defense Agency and the US Department of Defense of Israel. New space-based systems in three Russian complexes stood on alert in conjunction with the S-400, which cover the object of destroying the enemy. Teamwork can be achieved when the complex link together, and the main link is not something that shoots and management system, explains Deputy USA and Canada Institute, a specialist in the field of missile defense, Major General Retired Pavel Zolotarev. He notes that in the same way are building their missile defense system and the United States. The Defense Ministry did not hide the fact that the attention of the Single space system to detect launches nuclear missiles due to the creation of a joint US and Europe missile defense system. Military consider a system of asymmetrical response to the actions of the American side. In turn, the US has consistently stressed that the new system is not directed against Russia, and will intercept missiles that can be fired from Iran or North Korea, missile defense system, which is created by the United States, together with Europe, not a threat to Russia and can not physically destroy Russian strategic missiles. I think that Russia and the United States, given the potential for possible work should think about creating a joint missile defense system, and it is a pity that this did not happen, - said in an interview Gazeta.ru expressed the ex-commander of the strategic nuclear forces of Gen. Eugene Habiger. Earlier, the Russian side expressed itself the idea of a joint missile defense with the United States and NATO, and Russian President Vladimir Putin in earnest in 2007, suggested the White House to share a radar station in Azerbaijan, but those days are long gone. Today, both the Russian and the US side is actively increasing its nuclear capability. Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said recently that the Russian nuclear complex in 2020 did not want to upgrade to the 70 and 100%. However, not all experts believe that it is achievable, and check the effect of secrecy will be difficult. However, even now many hard to believe that twenty years ago, the then US Secretary of Defense William Perry earnestly invited Russia to cooperate in the exchange of technology in the field of ballistic missiles, says the former head of the US Strategic Command, General Habiger But then the Russians immediately rejected such a possibility. I do not know whether it was part of the consciousness of the cold war, which continues to destroy the opportunity for trust, - said the general.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 20:52:58 +0000

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