Vote. And don’t just vote, but make sure others cast the - TopicsExpress


Vote. And don’t just vote, but make sure others cast the right vote as well. Here’s why: First and foremost, the right to vote should never be taken for granted. It is a gift and one we should cherish. It should not be tossed aside. No matter how disappointed we feel about our choices, we must make the best possible choice among the options. Apathy is a luxury we can’t afford. If we want to grumble about RINO’s, the RNC, and establishment Republicans, that shouldn’t stop us from voting. Grumbling and voting aren’t mutually exclusive. Should anyone decide to express some choice words in the voting booth, save the best for Harry Reid. (More on Harry later.) Frustration and anger + withhold my vote = lesson learned by the GOP is not a realistic equation, satisfying as it may feel, emotionally. And to say “they” will suffer the consequences if they lose is misguided because they won’t be the only ones who suffer if the Senate remains in the hands of progressive Democrats. The impact will negatively affect my life and the lives of my fellow citizens. And while far too many members of the GOP are weaker than I would like (understatement), there are areas (not nearly enough) where they are better than the Democrats. Even if there is only one thing where a Republican would be better than a Democrat, that counts for something. And depending on what that thing is, it may count for a whole lot. And we cannot afford to throw anything away -- even one gain. It’s easy to bash establishment Republicans, but we should not ignore times when they got it right. Or at least closer to right than the Democrats. Every GOP Senator held firm in voting against Obamacare. When Scott Brown was in the Senate, he co-authored a similar bill to the one Ted Cruz proposed that would deny citizenship to Americans who travel overseas to fight with terrorists. (Of note, Jeanne Shaheen, Brown’s opponent in New Hampshire, accepted thousands of dollars from J Street’s PAC.) When the Democrats cynically wanted to tie funding for Israel’s Iron Dome to immigration reform, Mitch McConnell broke out a bill that separated the two issues so Israel -- our one true ally in the Middle East -- could get the aid she needed in time of war. And for all the complaining about Mitt Romney is 2012, I think by now it’s clear that he would have been a better president than Barack Obama. Likely, far better. On national security alone, Romney would have been light years ahead of Obama. And just for the sake of argument, if a Republican voted with the Democrats half the time and with the Republicans half the time that would be better than Democrats who voted with their party 98% of the time, which is what progressives do. Meanwhile, as we come down the home stretch to the mid-term elections, the Democrats have gained momentum. The Senate map with no toss-ups at Real Clear Politics had the GOP at 52 seats just a couple of weeks ago. That lead slipped to 51, then to 50, then on Thursday back to 51 by the slimmest of margins. It’s essential that we break the Democratic majority in the Senate and win at least 51 seats. It’s a tall order, but it’s critical that we increase our numbers to chip away at their ability to get a super-majority, have the maximum number of votes to impact filibusters, have the votes to block Obama nominees (the most crucial being the Supreme Court), and unseat Harry Reid. Reid has controlled the Senate like none of his predecessors. Let’s help this little tyrant step aside Read more: americanthinker/2014/09/fed_up_with_the_gop_establishment_thats_no_reason_to_stay_home_on_election_day.html#ixzz3ESHvnwSa Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 20:23:11 +0000

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