Vote No prop 1 and 2 Wolves have been protected in Michigan for - TopicsExpress


Vote No prop 1 and 2 Wolves have been protected in Michigan for almost 50 years, after being hunted to the brink of extinction. Even after four decades of protection, there are fewer than 650 wolves in the entire state. However, despite the population’s fragile status, some Michigan politicians have rushed to open a trophy hunting season for wolves—opening the door for the same practices that virtually wiped out the wolf population in the first place. A TROPHY HUNT IS CRUEL AND UNNECESSARY. Farmers, ranchers and other landowners in Michigan are already allowed to kill wolves to protect their livestock or dogs. Though cases of wolves killing livestock are rare, state law gives property owners the legal authority to protect their livestock. Ranchers are compensated for any livestock losses from wolves. Indiscriminate wolf hunting and trapping would accomplish nothing and would not solve the rare conflicts between property owners and wolves. NO ONE EATS WOLVES. A WOLF HUNT IN MICHIGAN WOULD BE ALL ABOUT TROPHIES – PLAIN AND SIMPLE. People do not hunt wolves for food. Allowing the recreational hunting and trapping of wolves is just an attempt by politicians to cater to special interest groups who want a wolf trophy displayed in their living room. We Michiganders value our wolves and do not want to see them slaughtered for pointless trophies.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 18:27:00 +0000

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