Vote t pa-u nu-bho neda mohadaye ji-u haru le a-b hera-u yo patak - TopicsExpress


Vote t pa-u nu-bho neda mohadaye ji-u haru le a-b hera-u yo patak hajur haru ko s-mbidhhan lekhane k-r-m sakin chha sakida-i na.Shree pashupatinath le t-pa-i haru saba-i ko kalyan garun yehi mero u-n ma bishesh prathana chha. By-----TDP( a Social worker) From----Cyprus. İ am very happy know that TU,Pokhara ,Purbanchal , kathmandu university , other universities even all schools of main country(Nepal) all Students are very active and good awakening modern particle educational system, thanks all of you guys.Dont wary i will pour time to time different education tips and ideas all of you, just you should be connect with me prolong or continuous in my Facebook,Google site and emails. Be serious and concentrate your study along enjoy with my arts and articles.Please be a professional students that i hope from all of you.Dont do nonsense comments this is a first duty and responsibility of a professional students.Whatever i am talking about these all feed have some special meaning my dear students dont think nonsense but try to understand and to find out the reality what should be there ? İ promise, all of you i never ever talk to you any meaning-less comments and feed please rest-assure.İ dont have time to do such a nonsense also. Your online teacher friend. TPD From---Cyprus. November 3 Mero Desh la-i S-lam Batti ballnu,Mistanna khanu te-o aa-f-no shocha honi. Jhakka-makka jhi-l mi-l g-r bhane ko ka chha ni ? Dharma,Karma,Cha-d,tihar hun sha-r-da le si-r/ta-u-ko jhuka-u-n!!! Raga-Boka,Pashu mari ka ho r mana-u-n ? Manush le pashu-pakchhi b-naye chhan Julam!!!!! Hindu-Rastra puja garchha mero Desh La-i S-la-m---Mero desh la-i s-lam By-----Tanka Prasad Dhungana From----Cyprus Note----1)Dear students now some couple of days i am busy for collect some psychological thought and advice from different peoples and advisers about my PhD program at Cyprus.İ love Psychology because it make easy to think about our past,present and future even different human thought in related matter and subjective process sometime which we need and required .İts led to help you for making your good future plan and goal. Dear students if you get a chance to study this subject please take a deep knowledge about psycho--sure that can help you to make easy for preparation your future plan along with your related fields and subject matter. Note---2)---But İt is risky to study for those students who have mental,physical and Heart problem. İf you have those kind of any problem please careful to select this subject.Mostly heart patients should be careful to select this subject it may be lot of harmful for them.Social and Political frustrate peoples need to do study this subject properly to remove those frustration.İt is lot of helpful to remove those people confusion also. From---Cyprus. Note----3)------Dear Students will be soon back our article.Today i am going to your brain-wash by following answers-sheets. Dear students following all answers of part 1 are very complex (questions are correct/accurate even not complex in needy and requre-able manner ) and have a great misery please find out what should be the correct answers in this complexiation if you can,İf you cant no problem. Part 2 poem is in Nepali its for those students who can understand Nepali language but no problem to read and enjoy for all. Part------1------part----1-------part-----1 Dont forget to see my view and vision for world history---------- 1)Nobody know correctly,accurately about my beautiful world. All are just judge approximately whatever my scientist friends told !. 2)Either god ! knows or know by Earth-self,sun and moon. My view,vision and judgement about earth ,you can get it soon. 3)The Lord Sun know History of world And Moon knows causes too. Both dont have voice in Kali-yuga so what can they do ? 4)I know well about economic and causes of poverty too. But i am just a social worker what can I do !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dear friends today i like to feed some funny comments.İt is not allow me,my social duty and responsibility .Some time you have to do some work because you like to do but some time you have to do some work because you need to do. Note-----Following comments are only those Facebook friends who are always sending me bad photos and silly comments.It`s not for other friends.It means following comments for only my silly commentators friends. Note-----Following reply is only my silly friends not for others.But allow to read every one.Read it and enjoy it.Whatever reply i got today all statements are false but thanks for you reply.My silly friends just see down what is mean by silly work .But my all following reply have a great sense and misery you try to find out what will be there.Following my reply is not a silly joke. 1---I don`t know my clearly History as well-------- Because following reason i have confuse---- My vision about Satya yuga(base on religious behaviors only) i) Knowledge, meditation, calm,peace hold special importance in this age.This yuga is known as all the pillars of religion are present in totality in this beautiful world.When the Sun, Moon, Jupiter together entered Pushya Nakshatra then the Satya yuga was begin. During this time Lord Vishnu Incarnation Kalki-rup was taken as birth of a Brahmin aviator. Came aviator of lord Bishnu then structure of world begain or Satya yuga started from there only. Amongst the four Yu-g Satay, Duwapar,Trita and kali, the Satya Yuga is the first and the most impotent then other yu-g .Because of Knowledge, meditation,peace, calm and penance hold special importance in this yu-g.This was began on Sunday, Vaishakh Shukla Tritiya day it is also known as Akshaya Tritiya. The age of this era existly cant say but some body say its life was 17,28,000 years,other say no, it was just 70 millions ago but some others are disagree both statements they say no, the great Satay Yu-g was started just 15 Billion years ago.İ know above all statements are approximatelyand just imagination , its don t have any full-proof.İn Holy book Gita the lord Krishna say , History of world and about creature either he know well or some idea he has given to the sun and moon also. God incarnated in four forms i.e. Matsya, Kurma, Varaha and Narsimha were four autar/ aviator in this era. Knowledge, meditation peace and calm would hold special importance in this age.All the four pillars of religion i.e. truth, penance, yagya (religious sacrifice) and charity are very strong this yu-g. Satya yuga shell be re-established by Kalki again.It is believe that the average life expectancy of a human was approximately 4000 years during this age. İn this era religion was kept top renunciation and interest by peoples . People in Sati yu-g would never fall ill because reason of good climate condition. The personality was not developed like ego, sorrow, violent thought (aggression), jealousy, backbiting, fear, anger and other negative behaviors just today we have more. Note--A)------Now İf anybody know my history well please tell me, i am waiting your kind reply soon---- B)-----Above statements you can find out from Google search because we are already put on there also. C)----İt is totally free of cost if you have any doubt see soon on Google, dont be delay for such a interesting information about our beautiful world. ii)Above statement make me confuse about world history .Hindu Holly book Gita say Sun and moon know the fully History in this beautiful world because lord Krishna had touch them .Sun and moon have one problem to explain history to us.See what is that problem...... Note ------a line of poem i would like to say you friends---- ? The Sun know full history of world ,Moon know causes too. Both dont have the voice so what can they do ? iii)İ believe science and scientists but all matter they dont have full proof just see my above statements.Now İ love three country America,Nepal and Turkey-Cyprus.I have told you about my history in the base on my holly book .Now İ am continuous studies about America and Turkey or world History i will sure reach my destination soon. 2----Don`t weak-up early in the morning now a days------ Because----Fall/Low temperature ,Very cold early in the morning. İt may be negative effect to your good health tats why--.!! 3----Don`t sleep at night------ Because -----Heavy presser of research work!!! 4-----TDP is a triple level prince and triple level god --it means total 3+3 equal to =7 --- ------- Three princesses------ Because----i) princess-Hemkala-Nepal, ii)Princess-Fatima-Turkey, iii)Princess-Rosy in America ---------------------------------------------and ------ ------------------------------------ three alive Goddesses--------- i)--Kali Devi Saud -at -Nepal kathmandu, ii)-- Durga-Nilofar- Devi Sargi--at Turkey, iii)-- Lily Devi Obama--America Above all three princesses and three Goddesses all are my sisters.That s make me automatically three level prince and three level god as well. Note----İn Hindu religion Lord Shiva is a brother of alive goddesses and princesses.Lord siva dissolve all sis---in his body and all sis----dissolve lord siva as same manner, so i cant make separate myself from those hence i am not countable separately thats why 3(princesses)+3(Goddesses)+1(TDP)=6 only not seven(7) ok friends. Note----Here is great misery found out own your own. 5-----TDP rule is not go to 20 minutes early at home in-stand some time sleep at library no problem-------- Because-- heavy presser of research work. 6-----TDP would like to go to jail --------- Because----For Greece-chikish /Muhajrat i need a signature on my documents of a officer hence i need to either go to jail for visit jailer/a officer (Jailer signature also ok)or a police Head quarter for police officer as soon as possible to extent my visa ,thats all, nothing else. Note--İn Turkey language visa process is known as Greece chikish/Muhajrat 7---TDP does`t love his life------- Because-----I love three princesses and three alive Goddesses along with more then 1000 girls from İndia to America thats why i cant get time to love myself. Note-----i)Among of them some body may be love to me that is enough for me, no problem. ii) One more thing i am a social worker thats why all peoples are loving me so why i get a bother myself without reason. 8)-----TDP love three countries America---Nepal----Turkey --------Because----- NEPAL--- (i)Nepal---My Born Place (ii)Living pure Hindu there. TURKEY--(ii)Doing my Study here (ii)Living pure Muslim family. AMERİCA-(i)High development country(ii)My destination for post Doctor program (iii)Highly secularism country and many more. Note-----My all sisters also living above all different countries thats why also i love all of them(all countries). Note-----İ like İndia also because they like us.When they will start to love us then we will start to love them ,no problem. 9)--TDP always like to triple level----- Because i)Triple Devi and triple Princess all are my sisters. ii)My lord Siva have triple level sign and symbols thats i like it iii)Brama,Bishnu and maheshore i love it. v)I love triple countries like America,Nepal and Turkey. Note----Triple level strong connection have always remain with me that why i love triple level for all matter. 10)-----I am everywhere you can get me within one minute------ Because-----İf you type in Google search just i)Boycott Bypass formula ii)SQ3RT formula iii)2p2so formula iv)Tankprasad dhungand Facebook you can get me with in a minute if you want try ,lets try now only . By------Tanka prasad Dhungana DBA Researcher-----From-----Cyprus. अन्तरिक्षको ढृङा पृथ्वीमा झरेर ठोक्कीने संभावना | White Himal अन्तरिक्षको ढृङा पृथ्वीमा झरेर ठोक्कीने संभावनाLikeTweetTweetGoogle+Shareअन्तरिक्षमा रहेको एस्टायर्ड नामको ढृङा पृथ्वीमा झरेर ठोक्कीने संभावना बढेको बैज्ञानिकहरुले बताएका छन् । बिज्ञान पत्रिका Part----2------Part------2----Part------2 Kabita------HİV jha-i grasit bhumi k-hile thi-k hola? 1)Licchabi aa-ye Malla aa-ye. Shaha le ni Rajtantra liya-ye/lyaye. Thapa, Kawar aa-u-da-i rahe pala-i palo gari. Bheri pani thik bhayena Nepal ko Bimari. 2)B.P. aa-ye pra-ja-ta-ntra liyaye. Chanda,Munda ,Prachanda le g-na-t-n-tra bheyaye. Bahun,Chhetri,Bhu-l aaye pala-i palo gari. Bheri pani thi-k bhaye-n Nepal ko Bimari. 3)Deshi aa-ye madheshi layye. Tharuwan,Limbuwan,Pahadwan ,pahalwan aaye. Aa-u-da-i rahe Khada-i r-he pala-i palo gari. Bheri pani thik bhayena Nepal ko bimari. 4)Helicopter,plan,Hatgadi,Ghoda gadi, Hamra Ba-u ka ki cha-u a-ghadi, n-bhaye p-chhadi. Janta sara-i chhintit bhaye Nepal ko ke hola ? HİV jha-i grasit Bhumi kahile thik hola ? By---------Tanka prasad Dhungana Nepal address----Kalika goan vikash samity Bahungoan Achham Kathmandu Address----Dhungana nivash kapan-3 kathmandu Nepal. Now ------From Cyprus.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 13:46:12 +0000

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