#Voter Education To see the graphic illustration of the Voting - TopicsExpress


#Voter Education To see the graphic illustration of the Voting Process, Click here. For more information, see the following links below; Guidelines For Transfer of Registered Voters Replacement Of lost or damaged Voters Card Election Officials Election Offences and Penalties VOTING • Voting will take place on a date to be determined by the INEC. ACCREDITATION • Polling units will be open from 8 am. • Polling units will open at 8 am for Accreditation and close at 12 noon. • Voting starts 12:30 pm. • You must vote in the same Polling Unit you completed your Voter Registration. THE VOTER- WHO IS HE/SHE? • S/He is a Nigerian citizen. • S/He is 18 years and above. • S/He has registered in the constituency where he intends to vote. • S/He possesses a registration card obtained during voters’ registration. HOW VOTER CAN VERIFY REGISTRATION • A voter is expected to check the register of voters to ascertain that his name is included. • That his name was correctly spelt and written. • This is done when the register is displayed for inspection. PERSONS WHO CANNOT VOTE • The following persons cannot vote at election. • All persons below the age of 18 years. • All non-Nigerians. • All persons who did not register as voters. • All persons who do not hold a voter registration card. • All persons whose names are not in the voters register. WHERE TO VOTE • Voting takes place at polling stations/units. • A voter is expected to cast his vote at the polling unit where his name is on the voter register. • A voter is expected to identfy his polling station where his name is on the voter register. • A polling unit nearest to the residence of the voter. HOW TO VOTE: • Voting will be by Open Secret Ballot System. • Your vote is secret because no one will see which candidate you choose. • You will mark your ballot behind a polling screen secretly. • Apply your finger print only in one circle/space which corresponds to the candidate of your choice. PROCEDURE: PREPARING FOR VOTING: • The Presiding Officer (PO) shall: • Explain the voting procedure to the voters. • Invite all voters accreditated to form a single queue. • Where culture does not allow men and women to mingle in a queue, separate queues are created for men and women. • The PO shall count loudly the number of accredited voters in the queue, and record the number. COMMENCEMENT OF VOTING: • At the commencement of voting, the PO shall: • Invite the voters on queue to approach the poll clerk (PC) in an orderly manner. • On presentation of voter’s card, the PC shall: • Check appropriate cuticle thumbnail of voter and when he is satisfied that the person has been duly accredited. • Tick the voters’ register on the right hand side of voter’s name. • Indicating that he has voted. • Apply indelible ink on the cuticle of the voter’s appropriate thumbnail. • The Poll Assistant (PA) shall apply ink to the next finger of the respective hand • Voters who have no Right/Left hand, the PA shall: • Apply the ink to the corresponding toes of the voter’s Right/Left foot. • Voters have neither fingers nor toes: • Ink shall be applied on the corresponding toes of the persons assisting them. ISSUANCE OF BALLOT PAPER AND VOTING: • The voter shall present himself to the Polling official (PO). • The PO shall stamp and sign the back of ballot paper. • Fold the ballot paper vertically with the printed side inwards. • Issue the signed, stamped ballot paper to the voter. • The voter moves to the voting cuticle. • Mark the ballot paper in the space provided beside the party logo of the voters’ choice • Fold the ballot paper. • Deposit the marked ballot paper into the ballot box. • Marking of ballot paper by voter must be done in secret. • Depositing the ballot paper in the ballot box in open view of all persons present. • Only one voter at a time to the voting cubicle. OFFENCES ON ELECTION DAY: PART VIII SC. 129 (1) states that: 1. No person shall on the date an election is held do any of the following acts or things in a polling unit or within a distance of 300 metres of a polling unit- (a) Canvass
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 22:09:18 +0000

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