Voters Reward State Politicians For Barring Forced Union - TopicsExpress


Voters Reward State Politicians For Barring Forced Union Dues Just hours after GOP Gov. Rick Snyder outraged and dismayed Big Labor by listening to his freedom-loving constituents and signing private- and public-sector measures making Michigan the 24th Right to Work state on December 11, 2012, Teamster chief Jim Hoffa went on CNN to air his wrath. The adoption of a ban on forced union dues and fees, Mr. Hoffa vowed, would be “just the first round of a battle that’s going to divide this state. We’re going to have a civil war.” A few days later, Al Garrett and Larry Roehrig, the two top bosses of Detroit-based Council 25 of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME/AFL-CIO), declared their intent to destroy the Right to Work law and get “retribution” against supporters in a taped conference call. In Michigan, Big Labor ‘Was Routed on the Right-to-Work Issue’ “If we were to change the composition of both houses [of the Michigan Legislature],” said Mr. Garrett, “where we were the majority and had the governor, no question we would be able to get rid of it [Right to Work] right away. . . . “In November of 2014, we vote to change the composition of those bodies.”
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 12:26:00 +0000

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