Voters went to vote today, after two years, which is seeing a - TopicsExpress


Voters went to vote today, after two years, which is seeing a revival - - nationalism in Japan ... !!! ------------------------------- .By Nadeem ShadDecember 14, 2014 (translated by: Sovann) Japan is back, according to Shinzo Abe, in a speech to 201 3 Center for Strategic Studies Science and International. claims that have been widely discussed, at least in the context of Abenomics program Abes government to restore Japanese nationalist Japanese economyAnd back? question attention so far, and when it was discussed tone tends to be a few years alarmist or nationalism in Japan is dismissive.For cut to the outside. In general, before and during the When the Second World War, it has been found between the intellectual and political affairs in school Kokugaku Inoue Tetsujirō; being by the state in the form of a broken version of the Japanese Bushido or vision center prosperity . After Japans defeat, the nationalist environment faced a more difficult by the constitution of a new peace sign Japans. For decades after the war, racism is kept alive by a small cadre of political elites and intellectual. Incidents, including the schools controversial 1986 book controversial 2001 book, and the idea of this nihonjinron. However, none of these small movements to get any traction in the political and social imagination.Now systems Shinzo Abe, nationalism is not back to the forefront of politics in Japan. This has been demonstrated in several ways. The first example is the rise of lightning party restore Japan to become the third largest party in the Parliamentary elections in its first year, 201 2 NKP workers in the process. The party is probably the leading nationalist Japanese ShintaroIshihara former governor of Tokyo with his controversial proposal to buy the island of Senkaku / Diaoyu their push for nationalization Japans state, a change which has caused a serious decline in the Restoration up between China and Japan, the Japanese relations.The short party. Ishihara went on to form the party for future generations, while another group, led by Toru Hashimoto Motorcycles, combined with the ruling Unity Party to become creative, Japan. An example of a separate right-wing nationalist conflicts dropped its might. However, the significance of the results this year 201 2 can not deniedThat development, however, was overshadowed by more recent events. Take for example, the presence of the Japanese company Nippon Kaigi or an ultra-right group conference thatrose to prominence last summer. After the reshuffle of September 15 of the 19 members of the Council of Ministers, including Abes Abe himself belongs The group, which claimed, among other things, that Japan should be applauded for its role in the session The war of liberation East Asia from the West imperialists.Those claim that nationalism is back in Japan can point to many other examples Abes visit to the Yasukuni shrine controversial to create a new password worrying uncertainty of the Kono statement on the comfort women and the appointment Right away, this figures to the Board of Governors at the NHK. Its not Japans relations with its neighboring countries has dropped remarkably, not helped by The territorial dispute in the East China SeaOthers can disagree and have a point to try to Abes apparently to improve relations with China and South Koreas active diplomatic and elsewhere in Asia. Japan just to respond to tougher neighborhood they will argue.And Although Abe He received an unusually high support in the public domain (by Japanese standards) for most of his second term in power, many of his conservative policies have shown that so far less popular with the election. There is convincing evidence to show that most of Abes support owed to the lack of alternatives.Still credible One is, it is hard to argue against that, Mr. Shinzo Abe and his cabinet colleagues Officials representing the rise of a new Japanese nationalism, even if for now it is loaded with The lack of a comprehensive public support.Na.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 15:22:07 +0000

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