Voting underway across the country: Voting in Bulawayo - TopicsExpress


Voting underway across the country: Voting in Bulawayo Metropolitan province has started with voters going to polling stations as early as 2am. Voters in areas like Luveve and Makokoba suburbs were seen in queues with blankets as they braved the chill weather to cast their ballots. Some first time voters said they were eager to exercise their right to vote. In Matopo and Whitewater, in Matabeleland South province the voting process is also in progress. Meanwhile, voting in Mashonaland East province is progressing well. Long queues were witnessed at most voting centres in Marondera, Murehwa and Goromonzi. Voting is underway in most parts of the Midlands province and everything is going on smoothly with polling stations having opened on time. Emmanuel Hungwe of Danning farm village one, was the first to cast his ballot. People started arriving before dawn braving the drizzle and cold weather. Voters expressed happiness that the elections are held in a peaceful environment. Voting in Mashonaland West is progressing well. Long queues are a common feature in mostly rural constituencies while in urban areas the length of queues took varying forms. Provincial Elections Officer, Kenneth Kwaramba, said voting started as scheduled in all constituencies. Officer Commanding Mashonaland West, Senior Assistant Commissioner Rangarirai Mushaurwa said so far the voting process has been peaceful and incident free. In Nkayi North and South constituencies voting is progressing well as people are casting their vote peacefully. ZBC News visited Nesigwe Clinic, Mhlabauyatshisa, Sivhomo and Mathetshaneni centres in Nkayi North. The electorate comprises mainly the elderly community as people are trickling to cast their ballots. Nkayi North and South constituencies have a combined voter population of 54 719 people, with the North having 53 polling centres and 14 wards and Nkayi North 60 polling stations and 16 wards. Simon Lusinga MDC, Lamek Ndlovu MDC-T, Sithemiso Nyoni Zanu PF Lawrence Siziba of Zapu are battling for the national assembly seat for Nkayi North constituency.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 09:32:45 +0000

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