Värmland a paradise for Iranian agents, therefore, that between 3 - TopicsExpress


Värmland a paradise for Iranian agents, therefore, that between 3 and 7 April a Iranian Supreme officer named haji Mozafar and he has been responsible for the Kurdish which came from Iraqi al tash a refugee situation in Iraq, do you know why he has anvastrig for the Kurds who work for Iranian agents? because he is from a family well known for Kurdish Islamic suni and his family already related to many who already live in Karlstad. One more thing for about four mont ago a family from Karlstad went to iran that I have received information about the family they went to kermanshahs highest square called while azadi where there are shopping centers at other then the family went there and bought sandwiches, the boy asked the man and said you know where lies the secret address itlaat? when the man was expecting a little spruce and said excuse me i just here to get some toman to live over my children, you can be kind and respect one another, or you can go back to ask a policeman who usually stand on the square in kerman shah. Then a friend of mine who lives in Iraq and went to kerman shah then he went back he told how the family had brought a thick paper and wanted to leave the Iranian intelligence in kerman shah for four mont ago. He also says that he asked the family and said what do you want to do with Iranian intelligence and you told you live in Sweden? The family responded so we are Iranian and love our country, we must all get together and fight against monafeghin said the family, then the man asked, maybe you trust for money we have many who think just like you in Kurdistan and he asked where they live in Sweden family responded we live in Karlstad man met them between last March and April this year. Then the man said goodbye and the next day he was very scared and went back to Iraqi Kurdistan. samuelkub.blogspot.se/2013/07/varmland-paradise-for-iranian-agents.html?spref=fb
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 09:33:14 +0000

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