W.D. Muhammad on satan Who is Satan, the devil? Many religious - TopicsExpress


W.D. Muhammad on satan Who is Satan, the devil? Many religious people have been spooked up on the churches, the synagogues and the mosques and made to think that Satan is some invisible ghost that hovers around, waiting for an opportunity to come and take over your life and lead you to do something bad. There is no Satan outside of your body unless that Satan is inside somebody elses body. When you speak of a devil inside another persons body, you are not talking about something that has an independent existence outside of that person. Your mind and your heart can all be enslaved by the Satan, Shaitan, the enemy of all human beings. He is the enemy of the human family. Allah says of him, Fight the Schemes of Satan. His plots, deceitful tricks plan to defeat you in your purposes, in your best life and in your best hopes for life. Satan is out to defeat you right there, so you will be seen as ridiculous. He loves to make human beings ridiculous. And the ones whom he wants most to bring down and make ridiculous are those who support the Scriptures of G-d, the religious people. He wants to make them look ridiculous. If we understand the Scriptures, the Quran and the Bible which was before the Quran was revealed, about Satans hopes and aspirations, we have to understand that according to these Holy Books and Sacred Scriptures, Satans hope was to finally deceive people in the best places of their religious world the holy sanctuaries, in the most sacred places. Let us look at how our Holy Book, the Quran, treats the significance of the devil. Satan, the Chief One. Our Lord says in our Holy Book that that sick power is not as big as you think it is. God says, his power is only the power to seduce. Man can resist Satan. You dont have to be seduced. God says fight the army of Satan, for surely his plot is weak. So in our religion Satan is not made from supernatural power or is a figure that I cant go to battle against. Satan is made in­ferior to me. Satan is weaker than me. Satan can only reach me because I drop my God-given weaponry. As long as I keep in my arms my God-given weaponry, Satan is no match for me. And not only against Satan or the subtleties of Satan but from the subtleties of my own goodness. Sometimes the good nature can deceive, can fascinate us. Some men look at their handsome faces, and actually die right there in the mirror. So whether it is the subtleties of Satan, or other subtleties, the best help is to remember God. And God says, in remembrance of God is the greatest power. Some of you will say, Oh, he committed sin. And we did too. That is why we are told he committed sin. It is to let us know that we are human, not divine. We are not gods or angels. We are human beings subject to err. Our Holy Book does not present Adam as a man of sin because he erred. We have no concept in our religion as the man of sin, unless you are talking about Satan. And Satan is not called man, he is called jinn. No Father Transmitted Sin To The Generations The man of sin would have to be all of us who are sinning. There is no father who transmitted sin to the generations. Our Father Adam was the man of obedience to Allah. However, because he was the excellence of common man, he could be tempted and led astray. Adam was tempted by the Arch Deceiver, Satan himself. It was no ordinary smooth talker. It was the chief deceiver over the angels. How did Satan deceive Adam? It was a deceit put into Adams sentiments and sentiment-charged thinking. Satan did not address Adam directly. He addressed Adam by way of deceit, which tells us that Satan recognized that if he went straight to Adam, Adam would reject him. Satan is the chief con man. Adam did not see that he was being offered something wrong until much later. Our Holy Book says that Adam learned later that he had erred and he repented to Allah for his wrong. And Allah forgave him
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 10:55:08 +0000

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