W.E.M Thursday Devotion. No One Can Pray You into It or Push You, - TopicsExpress


W.E.M Thursday Devotion. No One Can Pray You into It or Push You, Enter In Willingly Ecclesiastes 9:11 I returned and saw under the sun that the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong, neither is bread to the wise nor riches to men of intelligence {and} understanding nor favor to men of skill; but time and chance happen to them all. This right here is a great and deep truth that man believers dont understand. All throughtout scripture chance and opportunity happened to men and women and at that moment they had to be discerning to tell that God had given them an opportunity for Him to show Himself and intervene in their lives. When godd gave a chance to David, he grasped it and took on Goliath. Jacob wrestled with the angel all night long in Genesis 32 after learning his lesson in Genesis 28 and failing to discern the presence of God. Namaan got upset with the instruction God gave him through Elisha (2 Kings 5) and almost missed Gods intervention, Rahab had to also be descerning when the spies crossed her path. All these were turning points in the peoples live, Hannah opened up to an old priest and barreness was broken, Daniel and Joseph used their gifts in times of need and were promoted. God gives opportunity. Many times when we have complaints about things not happening in our lives, could be a case of us failing to recognize the God given opportinity for us to make a difference, to be connected, imparted to and impacted. Lets discern and put away consideration of opinions of people. So... John 5:4 {For an angel of the Lord went down at appointed seasons into the pool and moved and stirred up the water; whoever then first, after the stirring up of the water, stepped in was cured of whatever disease with which he was afflicted.} Will you jump in or not? Its up to you!
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 19:34:50 +0000

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