WA MUSIBATA:-13 MUHARRAM. EHLEBAYTE NABI REACHED TO KUFA. TODAYS NIGHT. They travel over 90 kilometres,now it is time when they are humiliated,when they entered the land was become red their blood flown everywhere. It was nighttime when they arrived in Kufa, and the palace of Ibn Ziyad was shut, and the captives were forced to camp outside the palace. When Ibn Ziyad was informed of their arrival the next day, he commanded to invite any of Kufa residents to attend without distinction. The head of Imam Al- Husain was placed on a tray near the court chair, and so were the heads of the other martyrs. In anticipation of joyful celebrations, the citizens of Kufa poured into the streets and market place while the music of victory was heard as the captives arrived. But there were a few who guessed the truth, and they looked on with downcast eyes. One woman, upon recognizing Zainab surrounded by a group of unveiled women, ran into her house and brought them head covers and sheets with which to cover their bodies. But the enemy guards took them away, not allowing them to preserve their modesty. Among the onlookers there were some who truly knew what had actually happened, they cried in alarm and wept. Zainab with tears in her eyes, asked them to be quiet and listen.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 14:55:50 +0000

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