WA RELOCATION UPDATE Kim Walpole (carer, rescuer and - TopicsExpress


WA RELOCATION UPDATE Kim Walpole (carer, rescuer and photographer) updated us this afternoon on the first day of the relocation of 200 Western Grey Kangaroos from The Vale/Vines development site in WA. Thanks Kim. Today only six could be retrieved due to the distress of the others as well as the day heating up. Although personally, being such a sook for kangaroos, it was sad to see the mums coming out the other end without their joeys but at least the joeys are still alive. I believe all At-Foot joeys are going to be removed first, then they will corral the mums with in pouch joeys where the joeys will come to us, and mum sedated and taken to new location. They are all going to the same place. The TE contractors are very professional, zoologists etc and they care about not distressing the kangaroos so they wont be rushing the job and possibly suffering losses on the way. The contractors are going to be working on this for weeks and as long as we are there at 5am every morning until the last joey is corralled, they will hand them over to us. We will be receiving joeys up to the weight of 15kg because they will not transport and relocate under this weight. I believe this is due to the fact that there is no one available to monitor the young in their new home, and/or/also the possibility that they may not meet up with their mums, or she may have moved on from nursing them thus rejecting them. I guess it is an unknown but apparently that is how they see it as being humane for the babies. Dont worry, we will be there every morning until the last one is rescued. Yes, there is a pit and it is empty but they do believe, after having surveyed the mobs that there are some really old alphas not in very good condition (and I saw some really old Does) and they deems it inhumane to relocate these old boys and girls. We understood though that the younger Alphas will be relocated which is so important. The contractors are only moving 20 a day and there are about 200 to move.Matt Swan (WA Parks & Wildlife) assured us that if he felt the contractors were causing distress or harm to the corralled kangaroos he would have shut them down. He said he can not be there every day but will be monitoring and listening to us if we have any concerns. He wants to also be in the loop of the progress of the joeys that are going into care. He believes that a great partnership can be forged between us carers and DP&W on a more humane way to treat kangaroos.I would assume that this new way will be only for those kangaroos trapped in suburbia and it will be business as usual in the bush. The land that you see in the photo is just part of the farmers property. He applied for a cull but it was rejected and he was told that the kangaroos will be relocated. I assume the farmer then got onto Stocklands and made his case that if it wasnt for the development behind his farm the kangaroos would have stayed in the bush, hence Stocklands is being made responsible and paying the huge bill. Based on what I had to pay for one darting it must be around the figure of $200,000. Kim Walpole WA Thank you Kim and all the carers and locals who are there for the kangaroos in their time of need today and for the rest of the process. ASK does not agree that the joeys should be taken from the mothers, but we have no control over what is happening on the ground other than to express our concern to Parks and Wildlife and the contractors, which we did yesterday. But we applaud the Department Parks and Wildlife for giving these kangaroos and their joeys another chance at life due to the loss of their habitat to development, and we hope that this provides a positive example to other government departments across Australia who believe the quickest and easiest solution when kangaroos become landlocked is to shoot them when no one is looking. So thank you to all involved in this ground breaking process including the developers Stockdale who are paying for this happen. ASK
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 06:32:12 +0000

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