WAGE BILL DEBATE- DIVERSIONARY AND EXCUSE The government of Kenya has mastered the art of persistent talk and shamelessly deceiving its citizens. Let us have a look at Kenyans annual expenditure as per the auditor general; 1. Direct salaries and wages-280 billion 2. Recurrent expenditure-300 billion Other expenses and development, the remainder. Out of this, wastage through corruption and embezzlement for the year 2012/2013 was 200 billion. It is projected that this wastage for 2013/2014 will be 300 billion! From this enumeration, it is quite clear that the salaries is not the issue, the big elephant in the house is WASTAGE. The other elephant is having a recurrent inflated recurrent expenditure which extends the WASTAGE. Workers/Employees are languishing in poverty when a few people are making millions/billions with abandon in government projects and offices. This cannot be allowed, its a very destructive path. This debate is a well calculated initiaive to mislead the public and blackmail trade unions/workers from advocating for better working conditions and improved salaries. SRC should not allow itself to be used as a black mail tool, it should assert its independence and demand for good,proper and well evaluated salaries and working conditions for employees, for that is its mandate. The wage bill debate is thus a hoax, trade unions should not fall to this attempt at emasculating and weakening them. It is time to fight for full implementation of our CBA, implementation of stalled promotions and proper policies on trainings
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 10:26:03 +0000

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