WAHAB-KHAAR THE MESMERIZING AUTHOR OF MYSTIC POETRY Author IMRAN YOUSUF - Monday, 03 09 2012 10:37 The 19th century Sufi poet WAHAB KHAAR was born at Khrew Shaar, Pampore. He had fine and beautiful long life of one hundred years; there is uncertainty in the birth and death date of Wahab Khaar, some historian say he died in the year 1910. His father HAIT KHAAR was also a Sufi saint and poet, well known, respected and reputed man of the area. He had remained in touch with many Sufi saints of the time, he was fond of singing and used to attend almost all the singing functions, he spend most of his time in the company of Faqeers. He was disciple of SABIR SAAB, a great Sufi saint of his time. I would love to write down few lines of Hait Khaar’s Kalaam which he used to sing in presence of his Mursheed. Suleh Paigaam Boozum Drayes, Suleh Ges Ges Wachis Neh Neyayes Waneh Hait Khaar Waneh Naie Aamie, Yaar Konie Aamaie Latiye Poosheh Tarenn Meh Bahaar Aamaie, Yaar Konie Aamaie Latiye Early I got wind and left, still could not accomplish my desires Hait Khaar says, I could not recognize him, Why my beloved didn’t come Flower branches blossomed, Why my beloved didn’t come WAHAB-KHAAR, the name itself assures that he was a blacksmith by profession who moulds hardest and most arduous iron according to necessitate and gives it a new shape, this endowment was also found in his writings. He had acquired mastery in shaping thoughts completely in a different and unique way which has its own beauty. Wahab Khaar is a celebrity and renowned mystic poet of Kashmir for his towering spiritual powers and unique approach of writing poetry. Kalwael Dama Dechaow Meh Tai, Mai Khaan Manzai Choom Mass Tcheth Wahab Khaar Talab Daar Tchu Tai, Su Kass Patai Gaoom Beh Tchus Dramut Yaaras Patai, Su Kass Patai Gaoom Mixologist offer me a sip of wine, I drunk in cantina Fuddled Wahab Khaar is a devotee, but whom after he went I am following my beloved, but whom after he went Being a blacksmith Wahab Khaar was a handsome lad used to wear fine looking outfit, he was famous throughout the area from childhood. It was the time of Dogra Raj when Kashmir was undergoing so many difficulties and distress. People of the valley were living in bad condition could not even fulfill the daily requirements. But Wahab Khaar was a technical hand, farmer and singer, his earnings allowed him to wear costly clothes and live a comfortable life. When whole Kashmir was in poor condition Wahab Khaar was living a bit comfortable life. Wahab Khaar belonged to a Sufi family and as such he was inclined to Sufism from the very birth; he was fond of writing and singing from early age, wherever he finds Mehfil-i-Samma, he used to attend at any cost. Wahab Khaar dedicated his life in writing poetry and singing in presence of great Sufi saints of the time. It is said that Wahab Khaar used to smoke bhang (Charas) at some occasions. Wahab Khaar got married with REHMAT. She was a pious lady helped Wahab Khaar in every step of life. Besides taking care of children she was a good house wife, dealt everything with ease and calm. She became a helping hand for her husband wherever it needed. She domesticated many animals and used to help Wahab Khaar in the fields too. These qualities make her a fine lady with great caliber, lady of excellence, worthy of great respect. Wahab Khaar was very fortunate having Shareeq-e-Hayaat (wife) like Rehmat who assisted and served him whole life; her contributions in the path of faith and love can never be overlooked. Wahab Khaar used to call her with the name “Bun Gam Tchi” because she hailed from a nearby village called Bun Gam. Yem Yemi Bosareh Draie Matioo, Tim Neh Firith Aai Abdul Wahabas Rai Matioo, Jaie Kativ Tchei Tchem Cheenie Sehtha Maie Matioo, Jaie Kativ Tchei Who he left this mortal world never came back Abdul Wahab has credence to meet you, where do you dwell I have unconditional love for you, where do you dwell One of the worth mentioned quality of Jenab Wahab Sahab Khar was his determination and regard for his land that he tilted himself to inspire others to follow the suit. Though being a mystic he managed to live a normal life which after some time underwent a tremendous change for his being lost in the world of wonders.Wahab Khaar was a famous Sufi poet and singer used to sing along his party members in various occasions. Once Wahab Khaar with his fellowships went to a function organized by the disciples of Rehman Saab (A celebrated Sufi saint of the time). Mehfil-i-Samma was at its zenith when the Mursheed Rahman Saab asked to stop singing and said Wahab Khaar to enter the kitchen and look in the pots for some food. Wahab Khaar could not deny entered in the kitchen and started searching but all the pots were empty except one containing grains of rice. He took and brought it to Rahman Saab who ordered Wahab Khaar to eat it. It was an order so Wahab Khaar accepted and ate up the rice. After some time Wahab Khaar lost his conscious, he felt full of obsession and eagerness did not converse to anybody, he was very anxious about something could not even halt for a minute, all of a sudden he began to run left the place, his companions and the people in the midnight. His party of singers followed him and led him back to his house. WAHAB-KHAAR was also a hard working farmer; he had vast wasteland which he turned into agricultural land by his own efforts, on the other hand he was a deep lover of singing, he used to play so many instruments like Sarnagi, Gadda (Vessel) and Rabab, but having specialty with favoritism most of the time he used to sing and play Rabab. He has participated in so many Mehfil-e-Samma functions organized by Sufi saints of the time. He had complete party of singers who used to go village to village for singing. When farmers had time of reaping, his party used to sing there for their entertainment and get rice, wheat and mustard seeds in reciprocation. Meeting with Ahmad Sahab Machamee Abdal (R.A) A legendary Sufi saint and a disciple of Mujadid Alif-i- Sani (R.A) AHMAD SAAB MACHAAM Sirhindi, Mursheed of famous poet of Kashmir Waza Mehmood lived the same period. When Rehmat wife of Wahab Khaar harked about the saint she travelled to him and explained the whole condition and asked for help, Ahmad Saab Machaam replied, “It will take three years”. It was shocking Rehmat left the house of Ahmad Sahab Machaam sorrowfully, when arrived at home could not find her husband, she again left out for the seek and located Wahab Khaar all alone at the shore of Dal lake pelting stones and abusing people who pass by. He was wholly absent minded like mad wandering streets. The period of unconsciousness last for precise three years Rehmat confronted with so many difficulties in these passing years following Wahab Khaar everywhere. Ahmad Saab Machaam said to his disciple Waza Mehmood, “Call Wahab Khaar” Waza replied, “My Mursheed he has gone mad, he pelt stones anyone who talk to him”. Ahmad Saab Machaam again said, “Call Wahab Khaar”, this time Waza Mehmood could not deny so went to call Wahab Khaar but was very afraid when reached he verbalize few words in murmuring voice, “Ahmad Saab Machaam is calling you”. When Wahab Khaar heard he did not utter a word and ran to Ahmad Saab Machaam. He had grown long hair and beard, Ahmad Saab Machaam ordered his disciples to bathe him, cleanse his clothes and cut short his hair and beard. While standing infront of Ahmad Sahab Machaam, Wahab Khaar got complete conscious back and acknowledged him as his Mursheed. In another incident, it was winter time when Wahab Khaar was invited for singing in a function held at Tral. Winter in Kashmir is chillier than ice; it is the time when Kangri (traditional fire pot) is found in everyone’s lap. Many people of the village were invited and Nambardaar of the village was also there in the function seated at valued place on a luxurious carpet. Mehfil-i-Samma was at its zenith when all of sudden Kangri in the lap of Nambardaar turned turtle and the hot burning coal felled on the luxurious carpet. Nature of fire is to destroy by burning anything which came in contact same was anticipated, everyone was trying to collect back burning coal to save the luxurious carpet, but was impossible to save the entire carpet. Wahab Khaar did not stop singing spoke these below mentioned lines in louder voice: Rehamkih Narehh, Satrindd Wareh Aaz Kar Chareh Khudaya Oh! Fire be merciful don’t blaze the carpet Oh! God help us today When burning coal was gathered back, it was obvious that the carpet has burned but Wahab Khaar’s miracle changed the whole ambiance, everyone present were astonished when they saw the carpet as fine as it was. Wahab Khaar was a man blessed with great spiritual powers which he has demonstrated in every step of his life. He was wholly attached with the divine love; he was very popular among the followers of Sufism. He acquired great respect, honor and reputation among saints, poets, philosophers and writers of Kashmir. Once Wahab Khaar was practicing his instruments accompanied by his disciples in a tree yard. Wahab Khaar was singing this Ghazal: Ha Shair Sawaroo Kor Gasak Aakhir Tche Marun TChuie Yee Tchuie Tche Elim Ti Meh Wantam Ti Meh Parun Tchuie O! Lion rider where are you going, at end you have to die What you know, make me know, I want to know it All of a sudden the great Kalander of time RAZAQ SAAB riding a lion came across; they were amazed seeing a man riding lion. Razaq Saab stoppedbefore Wahab Khaar let the lion to go and himself sat down beside Wahab Khaar. Razaq Saab started to smoke bhang (charas) and offered Wahab Khaar to smell it. Wahab Khaarinhale and exhale smoke the bhang, his mind altered at the same time, he felt in love with Razaq Saab strong-willed to leave his Mursheed and became the follower of Razaq Saab. When Ahmad Saab Machaam heard about it he got tempestuous with this doing of Razaq Saab, both became adversary of each other. Ahmad Saab Machaam could not let his dearest disciple go in the hands of any other Mursheed. He had yawning emotions and love for Wahab Khaar so he toiled hard to convey him back. Wahab Khaar remained follower of Razaq Saab for the next three years till Ahmad Saab Machaam brought him back to his service. Kunras Kooneh Tchukh Vun Divaan, Wahab Khaaro Tchukh Gam Hevaan Kunras Peer Tareh Gam Meh Bar, Wantai Vess Yaar Vatemm Kar Dil Heath Tchulum Su Dilbar, Wantai Vess Yaar Vatemm Kar Why don’t you perceive the oneness, why are you bothered Wahab Khaar You will across with the help of Mursheed, My dear when my beloved arrive My love ran away with my heart, My dear when my beloved arrive A Mehfil-i-Samma was organized by the followers of Ahmad Saab Machaam. Mehfil was going well Peer-o-Mureed were heeding quietly. The Mursheed Ahmad Saab Machaam said to his disciple Waza Mehmood, “I need a glass of Milk”, Waza replied, “My Mursheed it is late night, it is not possible to fetch milk”. Ahmad Saab Machaam again said, “Bring some milk I need”. The disciples also replied in negative. Wahab Khaar was asleep at his home Khrew Shaar abruptly woke up and called his wife Rehmat and said “Have we some milk” she replied in negative Wahab Khaar said her go to cow yard and get some milk. Rehmat realized that something crucial is going on so she went and fetched some milk. After having pot of milk Wahab Khaar did not waste a second and left home in dark night to Srinagar where Mehfil-i-Samma was organized, at the time of crack of dawn he arrived knocked the door, Waza Mehmood opened the door and could not believe his eyes when he spotted Wahab Khaar at the door early in the morning before sunrise. All souls present there were speechless and stunned while seeing the spiritual connection of Mursheed with his disciple. Then Ahmad Saab Machaam said to his disciples, “He is Wahab Khaar my dearest and greatest disciple”. Mursheedas Nish Sirr Bav To, Yee Suh Wanie Tie Apnavto Thath Patch Kar Wahab Khaaro, Lokcharoo Yetie Rooztam Pari Lagyoo Ha Madanwaroo, Lokcharoo Yetie Rooztam Disclose the secrets before your Mursheed, What he says apply it to yourself Believe Wahab Khaar what Mursheed says, halt O! My childhood I love you O! My darling, halt O! My childhood Once Wahab Khaar got invitation from one of his disciples from Hariwan, who was facing some trouble and desired to say it to his Mursheed. When Wahab Khaar arrived after having dinner the disciple said to Wahab Khaar that someone theft his coin container at home. Mehfil-i-Samma was going on Wahab Khaar was singing his Kalaams and suddenly sung few lines in louder tone: Latie Hareh Lungun Nev Kami Ammi Zooni Nevnam Bey Kammi O! My friend who robbed the money It is Zoon, who did it Zoon was the name of daughter-in-law of the disciple, when she heard these words of Wahab Khaar, she sensed peril and worried because the coin container was robbed by her. At the time of dawn Wahab Khaar said everybody to go nearby Mosque to offer Fajar Nimaz. Wahab Khaar was all alone in a room when Zoon entered and acknowledged that she robbed the coin container, but the problem was that Zoon had spend money so few coins were missing from the container. Wahab Khaar kept the container with himself and asked Zoon to stay hushed. At morning when Wahab Khaar was leaving called his disciple and passed on the container back to the disciple. He was taken aback seeing the container in the hands of his Mursheed, while leaving Wahab Khaar said to the disciple, “I am in need of few coins so I took it without your permission”. Disciple replied, “My Mursheed it is all yours whatever on earth you wish to take you can without my authorization. Aswun Kalwall Mas Chawnawaan, Hawaan Aashqan Panuie Paan Masken Banan Thaan Mutch Ravaan, Hawaan Aashqan Panuie Paan Rabul Alameenan Padeh Ker Bayek Aan, Wahab Khaar Gavah Tchuie Furqaan Ad Tchuie Marnuie Marith Zindeh Sapdaan, Hawaan Aashqan Panuie Paan Mixologist serves with smiling face, shows visage to the lovers Opening the ceiling of wine bottles, shows visage to the lovers God decided and created, Wahab Khaar The Noble Quran witness After death comes the true existence, shows visage to the lovers Wahab Khaar, undoubtedly a unique poet of its kind has expressed mysticism in his poetry in simple Kashmiri language. He gained utmost attention by “Mehraj Nama” and “Machh Tulir” which are regarded as his most excellent rhythmical creations. Wahab Khaar’s heart was wholly filled with love and respect of Muhammad salallahu alayhi wasalam, he has composed Mehraj Nama in the heavenly honor and admiration of Holy Prophet Muhammad salallahu alayhi wasalam. Kar Yoo Rooneh Rumaleh Waaw, Taaj Dar Sooun Meraajas Draav Awalie Noorun Partav Peov, Ad Sooun Muhammad Paida Gaow Sar manz Pampoosh Fulwunn Draav, Taaj Dar Sooun Meraajas Draav Gath Karaie Kaabas Buooz Maen zaar, Seith Heath Choor Yaar Haav Dedaar Tch Kun Wahab Khaar Ba Vomeead Aaw, Taaj Dar Sooun Meraajas Draav Noor is first thing Allah created; with this Noor Muhammad S.A.W got birth Like lotus blossoms in lake, Our Mohammed S.A.W Ascent to meet ALLAH I shall circumambulate the Kaaba, show me your Noble Face with four friends Wahab Khaar came to you with hope, Our Mohammed S.A.W Ascent to meet ALLAH
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 15:54:54 +0000

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