WAHABISM IS DEROGATORY TERM TO DEMONISE MUSLIMS. WAKE UP CALL NOT REMINDER All educated, intelligent and thinking Muslim brethren have a duty to isolate all those who use the term Wahabism or Wahabis and associate them with hate mongering groups. We have a duty to love all those who profess to be Muslims and educate those who are ignorant of the true teachings of Islam, rather than creating hate. Those who use the term Wahabism or Wahabis are agents of our enemies, particularly our worst enemy, Shaytan. We have a duty to do all we can to free our brethren from the clutches of Shaytan and his friends. In our time, when Islam and Muslims are under attack from all sides, from Christians, Jews, Hindus, atheists, agnostics, secular humanists and secular nationalists, it is not right for us to divide ourselves and fight against each other. We have to pool our resources together and fight the common enemies of Islam and Muslims. If a group among us is different, we should learn to ignore the differences, emphasize the commonality and call each other to the true teachings of the Quran and Sunnah of the Messenger (S) of Allah. We should not call any group of people by any name which they do not like, that is slander. There is no group of people who like to be called Wahabis, therefore, this term should be dropped by the Muslims. The term Wahabis and Wahabism was the invention of the British to divide Muslims and fight against each other and weaken each other, so that the British could continue to conquer Muslims land and rule them. We should not allow ourselves to continue to be the victims of Imperialist designs.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 05:17:35 +0000

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