WAKE UP AMERICA! (We are sure our own Australian Police are - TopicsExpress


WAKE UP AMERICA! (We are sure our own Australian Police are being influenced by the police in the US). Speak up at the Million Mask March this November 5th 2014, in your capital city in your country, against Police Brutality and much more. We hope to see you all with us. Let it not be said, that we did nothing! You police officers that feature in these videos shown and all of the other videos on social media who do these absolutely inhumane acts, without any kind of cognitive skills whatsoever, should be sacked as police officers immediately. You clearly show a similar trait amongst you all, that of being, power freaks, full of pride and you clearly show that you hate being spoken back to or questioned, in most cases you never reply back to a question verbally when asked, you reply with force and in many cases deadly force. The people of the United States especially need to support all victims like they are currently doing in Ferguson, after Mike Brown who stopped running put his hands up and was shot dead in the back, this is they type of case that concerned people from all over the world are saying to themselves enough is enough! What is even more concerning are your very own superiors try to justify your actions and then only to see your legal and law system also protect you from countability and punishment and allow you to walk free, this also has to STOP! For those who continue to ask yourselves how can these police get away with such acts of brutality and unjustified deadly force resulting in deaths or murder of suspects it is very simple. The reason is because, if police were continually charged with these offenses and sentenced to prison, for their acts of brutality, then why would they come to the aid of their corrupt leaders, corrupt members of congress, corrupt politicians, corrupt superiors, why would they protect the rich and the powerful when they need police to help them if they are always being sent to prison, they simply would refuse and say, Why would we help you when you dont help us. Police however, should be accountable just like anyone else, but they are protected by the courts and laws giving them immunity and they are protected by higher powers who are looking after them and in return the police come to their aid when needed. What police do not understand is that they are just a tool that the rich and powerful use when they need to, for example when those in power want to implement new laws to control the people and the people stand up or protests about such new laws, those in power who want these laws passed will call upon the police to hold and stop the people from being heard or seen. When the rich and powerful do the wrong thing, such as corruption and this knowledge gets out to the people, then the people again protest and demand justice, so again, the rich and powerful call upon the police to make sure the people demanding justice are stopped and dispersed so as not to bring wider attention to the public of these crimes the rich and powerful commit. The police are so stupid as to not see, they are being used to protect the greedy, the evil, the corrupt and agendas of the 1%, sadly, many police have no idea that they are slaves also to the rich and powerful but they just cannot see it, instead they are brainwashed by false statistics, false slogans and given repetitious mottos that are embedded into their brains. These police are trained to kill and shoot in the heads when shooting practice comes around and they are not trained to handle situations when the people question them or catch them out for harassment or breaching their constitutional rights, instead, these police only know how to use force to control the people when the people disobey or question them or film them. What has our world come to when our powers to be who are suppose to protect the people allow their police to get away with murder and walk free. Shame on your president for allowing this to happen, shame on your legal system for protecting these criminals, shame on your law makers for making such laws that allow these police to have immunity from their crimes, shame on the police who commit acts of police brutality and shame on the people for saying and doing nothing about it. Now you know why and how the higher system works, it is designed and planned to benefit the 1% and to control the 99%, and should those of the 99% stand up, speak up, protest or complain, the laws they make to protect the 1% are used and they use the police to enforce them even if this means killing you.... To the people of America you need to unite and demand police brutality must be stopped and that a law be passed making all police must wear a video and audio recording device at all times and strict rules and laws must be implemented should any evidence of this device be tampered with or turned off, tougher laws must also be in place to punish police who are found guilty of police brutality and police need to be given more training in dealing with the disabled, the handicap, the elderly, the young, and the mentally ill. Time for change must happen now because, If nothing changes, nothing changes. To the people of America it is time for you too... WAKE UP AMERICA!!!! We are Anonymous, we are legion, we do not forgive, we do not forget, to the police who act with police brutality, Expect Us! youtu.be/wB7dePp2nzs
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 11:11:00 +0000

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