WAKE-UP AMERICA: We have more laws on the books than any country - TopicsExpress


WAKE-UP AMERICA: We have more laws on the books than any country in the world, and it appears we house more prisoners than any country in the world and our population is supposedly only 5% of the world. What does that tell you? There is something wrong with the system and yet our politicians keep adding more laws. Why? When will America become a true democracy? They never will as long as the masses allow themselves to be deceived by the few masterminds of the hypocrisy and deception to keep the masses devouring each other. We must hold them accountable and we must accept responsibility for our actions. A mind is a terrible thing to waste and many of us are sabotaging ourselves by investing in everyone except ourselves and our families. There are more liquor stores in depressed communities than a decent super market to buy decent food. Many of these communities have black politicians where most of their constituents are black. This happens because you allow them to treat you with no respect because you have become complacent, stop being parents to your children and since you dont care, they dont care and will use every excuse to continue to be seat warming politicians, just like many parents have lost their way, thus their children have no path to follow. Just listen to the excuses here and think about what you can do to change the outcome. There are more progressive black parents who are parenting, their children are excelling, there are highly successful black entrepreneurs, inventors, and so on, but you wouldnt know it or believe it by listening to these people who strategize to keep many believing all the propaganda and polarizing in the news media. Who is paying who to report all the negative, but never the positive. Also, statistically speaking, much of what you hear in the news about statistics probably isnt true anyway because statistics are often skewed to benefit the needs of the provider and their agenda. Let common sense come back to the table. Take a look at what Iceland did and why they ousted their crooked government. When will America become a government of We the People? Jon Stewart is right on here. No man is free until all men are free. Your Power Lies Within You - Let It Loose! Your Destiny Is Your Command! LIVE - LOVE! #prisons #education #ElementaryGenocide #policebrutality #buildschoolnotprisons #justice #IcelandOustGovernment
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 08:37:09 +0000

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