WAKE UP CANADIANS AND WATCH WHAT YOU DID, WHAT YOU DO, AND WILL BE DOING… Dear friend, don’t you like to collect money for the terrorists? Apparently you already did… Read the story… Ultra- Right Sector is a terrorist organization and a lot of her members wanted by the INTERPOL... How come peaceful and democratic Canada allowed Fundraising for the terrorist organization? Besides that I dont like what Stephen Harper is doing to Canada.... Harper sending millions of dollars, which taken away from the Canadian taxpayers and sending to that controversial war... No Canadian pluralism and no other side of the story... I can understand that Harper is trying to win his voters voices among huge and financially well Ukrainian Population from his native Etobicoke and prairies of Canada, especially Alberta, Manitoba or Saskatchewan on upcoming election and to please our neighbor America, but this is not what the Canadian Democracy all about! Open your eyes, Canadian you are totally brainwashed about Putin is coming to Alaska... It is the same non-sense like Putin is in Ukraine... OBSE, UN, AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL ALREADY PUBLISHED THEIR RESEARCH, THAT THERE IS NO RUSSIAN INVATION IN UKRAINE... Its opposite, many Russians and Ukrainians blaming Putin for watching real Genocide of Russian ethnicity in Ukraine, not only Eastern, but entire Ukraine, and do nothing... Look at those numbers... Why from Ukrainian Army and Government run to Putins Russia, as they call that, about one million refugees? Why don’t they RUN TO KIEV FROM THE RUSSIAN AGRESSOR? SIMPLY, THERE IS NO RUSSIAN AGRESSOR AND CANADIAN MEDIA IS COOKING THOSE NEWS FROM NEW PROSEDENT POT... By the way, who is a new President of Ukraine? Poroshenko is a chocolate tycoon, oligarchy, who came to a power as a result of the military coup... He and his best buddy Kolomojsy, other oligarch, are criminals, LISTED IN JEWISH MAGASIN Forbes among richest Jewish in the World... How come oligarchy in a power and we are supporting them from Canada and let terrorist organization as Right Sector to collect money on our land and top it from our pockets? That’s what mean Harper Government of Canada! welcome to the club of the sponsors of Terrorists in Ukraine... Dont you know that to come to power Ukrainian and sending to that controversial war... No Canadian pluralism and no other side of the story... I can understand that Harper is trying to win his voters voices among huge and financially well Ukrainian Population from his native Etobicoke and prairies of Canada, especially Alberta, Manitoba or Saskatchewan on upcoming election and to please our neighbor America, but this is not what the Canadian Democracy all about! Open your eyes, Canadian you are totally brainwashed about Putin is coming to Alaska... It is the same non-sense like Putin is in Ukraine... OBSE, UN, AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL ALREADY PUBLISHED THEIR RESEARCH, THAT THERE IS NO RUSSIAN INVATION IN UKRAINE... Its opposite, many Russians and Ukrainians blaming Putin for watching real Genocide of Russian ethnicity in Ukraine, not only Eastern, but entire Ukraine, and do nothing... Look at those numbers... Why from Ukrainian Army and Government run to Putins Russia, as they call that, about one million refugees? Why don’t they RUN TO KIEV FROM THE RUSSIAN AGRESSOR? SIMPLY, THERE IS NO RUSSIAN AGRESSOR AND CANADIAN MEDIA IS COOKING THOSE NEWS FROM NEW PROSEDENT POT... By the way, who is a new President of Ukraine? Poroshenko is a chocolate tycoon, oligarchy, who came to a power as a result of the military coup... He and his best buddy Kolomojsky, other oligarch are criminals, LISTED IN JEWISH MAGASIN Forbes among richest Jewish in the World... How come oligarchy in a power and we are supporting them from Canada and let terrorist organization as Right Sector to collect money on our land and top it from our pockets? That’s what mean Harper Government of Canada! welcome to the club of the sponsors of Terrorists in Ukraine... Don’t you know that to come to power Ukrainian oligarchy paid to private American military companies as Black Waters and Gray Stone, the same ones, who were killing people in Fallujah, Iraq? Same phosphorus bombes, which only America has, because it did not sign the Agreement to be banned, using American exceptional status? Same Phosporos bombes from America end up in Eastern Ukraine and burned down villages full of civilians? Don’t you know that one of the reason of the War in Eastern Ukraine was a protest against Shell and Chevron, which bought their land for the fracking Gas for 55 years? and when people protest that, whey were told, you are not original Ukrainians, pack up your suitcase and get lost to Russia... THAT RUSSIAN LANGUAGE WITH A NEW GOVERNMENT WENT UNDER PROHIBITED IN UKRANE? THAT EIGHTY PERCENT SCHOOL WERE DEMOLISHES, SINCE WERE TEACHING IN RUSSIAN IN DONETSK AND LUGANSK? ENTIRE POPUTAION OF THE EASTERN UKRAINE DID NOT COME TO VOTE FOR POROSHENKO AND INSTEAD MADE A REFERENDUM TO RE-JOIN TO RUSSIA SAME AS CRIMEAN PENINSULA DID?... Than when with a support of Canada, America, Australia, UK , etc, who sent you say international observers..., we called that military intervention by the time of the Elections... Anywhere, when Poroshenko come this way to power he took all frustration to Eastern Ukraine people and start bombing their cities and villages... That when people start waking up to defend their homeland from a new Government... - bunch of oligarchy and criminals, who had criminal past, even Poroshenko, even his father, for the financial fraud... Kolomojsky is a terrorist, most of them use to be belong to what you call in Canada Russian Mafia, because for you, anyone who from former USSR is Russian,,, Part of those Russian mafia settled in Spain, Mexico, Germany, Israel, and returned now with foreign passport and come to a power...Ukraine does not allow double citizenship, but who cares by this time, when corruption is a sky high? oligarchy paid to private American military companies as Black Waters and Gray Stone, the same ones, who were killing people in Fallujah, Iraq? Same phosphorus bombes, which only America has, because it did not sign the Agreement to be banned, using American exceptional status? Same Phosphorus bombes from America end up in Eastern Ukraine and burned down villages full of civilians? Don’t you know that one of the reason of the War in Eastern Ukraine was a protest against Shell and Chevron, which bought their land for the franking Gas for 55 years? and when people protest that, whey were told, you are not original Ukrainians, pack up your suitcase and get lost to Russia... THAT RUSSIAN LANGUAGE WITH A NEW GOVERNMENT WENT UNDER PROHIBITED IN UKRANE? THAT EIGHTY PERCENT SCHOOL WERE DEMOLISHES, SINCE WERE TEACHING IN RUSSIAN IN DONETSK AND LUGANSK? ENTIRE POPUTAION OF THE EASTERN UKRAINE DID NOT COME TO VOTE FOR POROSHENKO AND INSTEAD MADE A REFERENDUM TO RE-JOIN TO RUSSIA SAME AS CRIMEAN PENINSULA DID?... Than when with a support of Canada, America, Australia, UK , etc, who sent you say international observers..., we called that military intervention by the time of the Elections... Anywhere, when Poroshenko come this way to power he took all frustration to Eastern Ukraine people and start bombing their cities and villages... That when people start waking up to defend their homeland from a new Government... - bunch of oligarchy and criminals, who had criminal past, even Poroshenko, even his father, for the financial fraud...Kolomojsky is a terrorist, most of them use to be belong to what you call in Canada Russian Mafia, because for you, anyone who from former USSR is Russian,,, Part of those guys, who you call “Russian mafia” settled in Spain, Mexico, Germany, Israel, and returned now with foreign passport and come to a power...Ukraine does not allow double citizenship, but who cares by this time, when corruption is a sky high? PS… Watch what “Right sector” is doing with people , who does not talk Ukrainian, not original Ukrainian, but lives in Ukraine… The board on the neck of that man, who is getting hanged, have in written in Ukrainian: “Russians must be hanged” … Can you imagine this happened in Quebec for not speaking English? https://youtube/watch?v=5gsp7ey8H-U Who are the right sector? youtube/watch?v=4AAmfYxQ_-c
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 18:01:00 +0000

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