WAKE UP ISRAEL. WAKE UP YOUR IN SPIRITUAL SLUMBER. Islam is taking over, casting you out of the world, like the fake baal religion did did with the TORAH IN THE OT. Israel was under bondage to all the kingdoms of the world. Jesus is being thrown out of our World. Wake up and FOLLOW HIS LAW. THE LAW MADE FLESH. WE KNOW GODS WAY BECAUSE OF OUR SALVATION IN HIM. HE WAS THE LAW. THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. DO NOT FORSAKE HIS LAW (Proverbs 4:2) KEEP IT AS APPLE OF YOUR EYE (Proverbs 7:2) The apple adam and eve ate was a fake one planted by a seed of discord. The false doctrine in baal worship had salvation (without his law). they lost their spiritual eyes. This is a deception of something they were already! They could see the spiritual realm and were blind to the flesh. Now we are in the spiritual realm but lost our spiritual eyes. We are in the flesh. Thats why they covered themselves and knew they were naked., THEY KNEW THEY WERE IN SIN. And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and FOLLOW me. - Luke 8:23 But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in theirLAW .They hated me without a cause. - John 15:25 DENY your flesh, as israel couldnt and FOLLOW HIM. THE TORAH. BECOME AWARE OF THE FLESH: THE LUST OF THE EYES, THE LUST OF THE FLESH, THE PRIDE OF LIFE. Israel did not see its prophets warning that baal worship, the false religion of the anti christ (Nimrod) was there. He is still the anti christ. His image is in all culture today. Its what you see that is around you. Vanity that blinds you from HIS LAW. ^DO NOT FORSAKE IT. Israel had to follow the law in the OT be separate from the world. That is how they did not see they were forsaking it, because israel became so in bondage to sin from HARLOTRY, from being in the WORLD. YOUR BEING POISONED, LIED TO BY YOUR GOVERNMENT, AND THE WORLD IS BECOMING HATEFUL OF YOU. DO YOU SEE THE NEWS? DO YOU SEE THE WORLD IS KILLING THE CHRISTIANS. ITS ALL OVER YOUTUBE ITS ALL OVER. THE POPE IS TRYING TO UNITE ALL RELIGIONS RIGHT NOW. TORNADOS, FAMINES, EARTHQUAKES, EBOLA AND THE PLAUGES. ISLAM IS KILLING CHRISTIANS ALL OVER. BUT YOUR NOT SEEING IT. YOUVE HEARD ON THE NEWS THEY ARE IN AMERICA. ON YOUR BORDERLINES. THEY ARE TELLING YOU TO CONVERT OR DIE.YOUR GOVERNMENT IS TURNING ON YOU. RIGHT NOW. YOUR BLINDED BY TV AND CULTURE. ITS CONSUMED YOU. IT IS WRITTEN OT AND NEW TESTAMENT. COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE MY PEOPLE ARE DESTROYED FOR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE. THE ANTI CHRIST IS THE LAWLESS ONE. CHRIST TOLD US NOT TO FORSAKE HIS LAW IN THE OLD TESTAMENT. ISLAM IS NOT THE FAKE RELIGION, ITS THE CRISIS THE ANTI CHRIST USES TO UNITE ALL NATIONS. ITS THE NWO. Shariah law is the new TALMUD. IT IS FALSE LAW THE ANTI CHRIST WILL REBUKE IN THE NAME OF LOVE. THE FAKE RELIGION IS THE CHRISITANITY PLAYING THE HARLOT. BAAL WORHSIP. JESUS IS THE LAW. FOLLOW HIM. THERE ARE FAKE CHRISTS. ONES THAT HAVE CHANGED HIS GRACE INTO PERMITS OF SIN. THE DECEPTION IS THAT CHRISITANITY IS SIN/WORLD. ISRAEL YOU LOOK LIKE THE WORLD. COME OUT. THE ANTI CHRIST WILL STOP ISLAM, THE RELIGION OF THE LAWLESS, AND PROMOTE FAKE LOVE. LOVE IS BAAL WORSHIP. THAT IS FAKE GRACE. ISAIAH 29, ROMANS 11, ROMANS 13. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. - John 15:19 If I had not done among them the works which none other man did, they had not had sin: but now have they both seen and hated both me and my Father. John 15:24
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 20:45:25 +0000

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