***WAKE UP*** READING THIS MAY CHANGE YOUR LIFE*** We wonder - TopicsExpress


***WAKE UP*** READING THIS MAY CHANGE YOUR LIFE*** We wonder why less than 1% of the population holds all the wealth, control, and power in this *formerly* great nation. The answers lie in beginning to raise a few simple questions. The answers lie in the simple theory that KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. What has happened to the human desire to learn more - to expand our knowledge? So many mysteries surround us. It is intriguing how our awareness of SO MANY greatly important subjects, which would completely change the course of human history if we knew more about, completely elude the minds of well over 95% of the American population. Cures for diseases, the amazing complexity of the human mind, the world around us, the universe around us. Even the possibility that intelligent life exists beyond our own plane of existence. The average American, regardless of the fact that we are the most technologically advanced civilization in human history, has very little, or no knowledge of ANY of these things. We MUST learn to question EVERYTHING. We are at a point in history, that we are now in a state of MASS manipulation, brainwashing, and even mind control. See, what has happened, is that a very select group of individuals simply have a greater knowledge than the other 99%. Again, lets reiterate the theory of KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. Lets put this in more simple terms. Humans are MUCH weaker physically then most other species throughout the world. However, we have obtained complete control over EVERY other species on the planet - simply because we are more intelligent, and inherit much greater knowledge than any other species on Earth. Its very simple, in terms of todays world, put yourself in the shoes of the rich and powerful. If you were given knowledge - knowledge that made you wealthier, healthier, more powerful - knowledge that put the world at your fingertips; would you share this knowledge with others? Unleashing this knowledge would in turn cause you, and all the other powerful and wealthy people to instantly lose everything they have. Odds are, you would keep your mouth shut at all costs, and by chance that you did make a slip of the tongue, you would instantly be wiped off the face of the earth like a fly on a windshield. Again, even if you wanted to share this knowledge with the world, you would quickly cease to exist. A fine example of one of the last great people whom was attempting to do such a thing, John F. Kennedy - along with his ENTIRE family, was killed off one, by one, by one. The future of our species lies within the generations HERE AND NOW. We MUST teach others to QUESTION EVERYTHING. FIND THE TRUTH within ourselves. If things dont seem to quite add up, its because we are purposely being LED INTO A STATE OF CONFUSION. Within this state of CONFUSION, lies a STATE OF DISTRACTION: media, news, entertainment, pop stars, movie stars, advertisements, BUY THIS, BUY THAT, YOU HAVE TO HAVE THIS TO BE SAFE, YOU HAVE TO HAVE THIS TO BE WANTED, TO BE ACCEPTED BY OTHERS, Super Bowls, commercials, cars, vacations, fashion, toys, cell phones, televisions, gizmos and gadgets. THESE ARE ALL MEANS OF DISTRACTION. They want to keep us busy - distracted, so that we dont begin to question why things going on in this World JUST DONT ADD UP! Well, sorry, UNCLE SAM, but some of us didnt fall for your BULLSHIT. Some of us knew that things didnt add up, so we began to QUESTION EVERYTHING. This gave some of us the ability to see the BIG PICTURE. It isnt pretty. It is ugly, it is cynical. It makes us wonder... maybe there TRULY is EVIL in this world - of biblical proportions. Change can happen quickly. Change can happen when enough people grasp the Big Picture, and alas, their minds are free... THE FIRST DOMINO WILL FALL... then the next, and the next...until we are free from the ties that bind us. THE FREE MIND PROJECT may be the first domino that falls. Be part of a change. Share your free mind with others. Be passionate - after all, the future lies within the few of us that grasp the Big Picture. Let us think of education as the means of developing our greatest abilities, because in each of us there is a private hope and dream which, fulfilled, can be translated into benefit for everyone and greater strength for our nation. -John F. Kennedy
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 06:44:58 +0000

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