WALKER AND VAN HOLLEN STILL SINGING OFF-KEY Remember when the Walker administration was arresting hundreds of Wisconsin citizens for singing protest songs at the state capitol? Starting in 2011, citizens began gathering at noon each day in the capitol rotunda to use their voices to express displeasure at the policies of Wisconsins divisive and apparently thin-skinned governor and his GOP lackeys in the legislature. The arrests only served to increase the number of protesters and the daily sing-alongs continue to this day even though the Scott Walker policy of arresting the singers was abandoned...sort of. Prosecutors have refused to file charges in most of the cases and judges have dismissed many others once they made it the courts. But the governor and his henchman attorney general had their feelings hurt and are still stomping their feet like kindergartners who didnt get their way. They are appealing some 120 of the case dismissals. They are using your tax dollars to further pursue charges against your fellow citizens who had the audacity to exercise their fist amendment rights in a public forum (the capitol building belongs to us, not the governor). Is wasting tax dollars to appeal the dismissals of petty and unconstitutional charges consistent with this governors claim of fiscal responsibility? When it comes to electing a governor November 4th, its time for Wisconsin voters to sing a different tune.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 17:14:20 +0000

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