WALMART… Part 3 (A 14 year old Chinese girl had seen an ad - TopicsExpress


WALMART… Part 3 (A 14 year old Chinese girl had seen an ad for work…) Several days later, she boarded a bus and headed for a city 400 miles away. She stood for most of the 11 hour ride. After arriving at the rundown factory, she signed several papers and was working within 1/2 hour. She, along with the others, worked their 15 hour shift in an airless, stifling hot room with no available drinking water. Later, she followed 100 women and girls up three flights of stairs to their "accommodations." As it turned out, this was the attic that housed a multitude of low hanging pipes, heating equipment and dangling wires. The women had to bend and duck to reach their appointed spaces, which consisted of one dirty blanket (no bed) and a bucket for toileting needs. This area had no windows or ventilation. The temperature was estimated at 100° plus. Rising before dawn, they were directed outdoors to empty their buckets and wash themselves from a dripping faucet attached to the building. Each was given a bowl of rice with a tablespoon sized serving of scrambled eggs. it was the only meal provided for the day. This pattern continued for months, (although less than a year) before she was too sick and weak to work. She went to collect her pay and tell the supervisor she had to leave. He told her to wait outside his office while he found her contract. Continued on next post…
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 01:47:05 +0000

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