WANITA PAKATAN RAKYAT JOIN STATEMENT 31 August 2014 On Merdeka Day, the late Allahyarham Tunku Abdul Rahman proclaimed “with Gods blessing shall be forever a sovereign democratic and independent State founded upon the principles of liberty and justice and ever seeking the welfare and happiness of its people and the maintenance of a just peace among all nations”. “Sovereign democratic and independent State”, said our Bapa Kemerdekaan 57 years ago. In upholding the spirit of democracy, a majority show of support was seen when 30 out of 43 stateassembly persons had endorsed Wan Azizah as MB. If Wan Azizah was a man, would she be subjected to this treatment? Why is there such disturbing opposition to a woman as Menteri Besar? Today, the wanita Pakatan Rakyat stand united in stating our unconditional support for Datuk Seri Wan Azizah as the Menteri Besar of Selangor. We have come together to validate and reinforce our stand that Wan Azizah should be installed as the MB of Selangor. When the state constitution itself supports no gender discrimination, then that clearly spells out that a woman can lead the state. Kak Wan as she is fondly known studied medicine at the Royal College of Surgeons where she was awarded a gold medal in obstetrics and gynaecology and later graduated as an ophthalmologist. She fledged the Reformasi movement in 1999 and led a civil rights NGO called ADIL before being elected as President of Parti Keadilan Nasional, the second woman in the history of Malaysia to hold office and lead a political party. The first female President of a political party was Ganga Nayar who also founded the Malaysian Workers Party in 1978. Subsequently she became the President of Parti Keadilan Rakyat and in 1999, became MP for Permatang Pauh along 4 others, after 5 recounts! She took charge when she was unanimously supported by all component parties of Pakatan Rakyat as the Opposition Leader in the House of August after the 2008, Peoples Tsunami elections. If there is one thing that describes Wan Azizah, it is the strength of a rock. From 1998 till date, for 16 years, Wan Azizah took blow after blow of unscrupulous attacks at her husband and her family. Perpetually in the radar of BN cybertroopers, she has been subjected to ridicule, humiliation, career and more viciously, character assassination. The choice to get up, shake off and walk away was always there. But her dedication to her family, party, PR and Malaysia had only made her stronger and champion on in her struggle for justice, democracy and freedom. Kak Wan is a model leader in the Malaysian political sphere along with other great Malaysian women of the past and present. Her sacrifices, from the moment she put her nation and her principles above herself speaks thunderous volumes of what she will do for Malaysia and her people. She has never been implicated in awarding contracts to cronies, in AP permit scandals, cows-in-condominium scandals, she does not brag with lavish jewellery and handbags. She is a woman of substance, conscience and heart and that is what Selangor and the nation needs. Yes, she is the wife of Anwar Ibrahim, the most wanted man by the government. She is also a clean, courageous, accountable, corrupt-free leader who shares the same vision as patriotic Malaysians. A Malaysia for Malaysians. And that should be the measurement of a leader. Sincerely, YB. HJH. ZURAIDAH KAMARUDDIN Ketua Wanita Parti KeADILan Rakyat (PKR) YB. PUAN CHONG ENG Ketua Wanita Parti Tindakan Demokratik (DAP) YB. HJH SITI ZAILAH MOHD YUSOFF Ketua Muslimat Parti Islam SeMalaysia (PAS)
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 14:44:10 +0000

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