WANNEER GAAN JY BESEF DAT DIE KINDERS VAN DIE duiwel JOU GAAN SLAG EN VERWOES AS JY NIE VOORSORG TREF NIE !!! ??? SLUIT VANDAG NOG AAN BY KOMMANDO STEUNKRING WANT JOU EIE MENSE WORD ALREEDS GESLAG, !!! VERKRAG !!! VERMOOR !!! Lidmaatskap slegs R100 per Maand per Huisgesin en R50 vir Pensioenarisse. Jou Geliefdes is WERKLIK MEER WERD as dit !!!..Hier is die Skakel om aan te sluit : https://facebook/groups/Kommandoprotection/ OMG: CHINESE CANNIBALISM AND THE FETUS PICTURE AUGUST 17, 2014 cannibalism02 Here is a good English source on the subject: Key Ray Chong, Cannibalism in China, Longwood Academic: Wakefield, NH. (1990) viii: “We need to tell ourself that the Chinese language people are not particularly not the same as another races with the entire world as far as your practice involving tactical cannibalism is worried. With regards to learned cannibalism, even so, their practice is reasonably various. Worthy of be aware right here is the undeniable fact that a number of varieties of learned cannibalism are normally found solely inside The far east. That analyze will make an effort to take a look at this phenomenal phenomenon. inches “Particularly inside ancient instances, learned cannibalism ended up being typically applied inside The far east with regard to cookery love, and also incredible dinners were being well prepared with regard to jaded upper-class palates inside instances involving well being and/or sickness. inches ix: “As overdue because the 19th hundred years, it turned out not abnormal with regard to Chinese language executioners you can eat the center and also mind with the scammers many people disaptch. Additionally, they consumed some with the people beef with regard to well being causes, nevertheless any time a number of extra beef ended up being quit, many people marketed the item with regard to earnings. inches “Li Shih-chen [DP: 1578] in depth the application of humans many times with regard to healing purposes. He / she observed, by way of example, which people beef ended up being a great remedy with regard to tuberculosis. With the similar or comparable purposes, he / she talked about in the equally in depth way the application of people perspiration, urine, ejaculate, breast dairy, cry, soil, nails and also the teeth. Asap, within the Peoples’ Republic involving The far east, the application of people palms, feet, nails, dried up urine, fecal material and also breast dairy tend to be firmly suggested by the government to remedy particular ailments. inches cannibalism01 cannibalism02 cannibalism03 cannibalism04 cannibalism10 cannibalism07 a: “Apart out of this, your Chinese language typically consumed their particular enemies outside of hate or retribution while in wartime. inches “During Earth Conflict II, hate-cannibalism is documented to own taken place inside The far east. Later on, because the city battle between Communists as well as the Nationalists proceeded with regard to control involving The far east, a number of Communist military were being carried out regularly within a far-interior region; and also their particular flesh and also your bones were being swallowed outside of any nature involving retribution. 1 Us clergyman told involving discovering any Chinese language Nationalist police officer lower available and also take the center of a Chinese language Communist. inches cannibalism06 cannibalism9cannibalism05 cannibalism8 xi: “In limited, your Chinese language aren’t actually various in any major method by other parents on earth. But they are really unique within the impression we now have a great number of types of learned cannibalism through their particular record. inches. Source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk%3AChinese_cannibalism - See more at: news.everydaypak/human-meats/chinese-cannibalism-and-the-fetus-picture/#sthash.8GKrYeOE.dpuf
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 13:14:23 +0000

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