WANT TO HAVE YOUR EARS TICKLED? Christians today can find just - TopicsExpress


WANT TO HAVE YOUR EARS TICKLED? Christians today can find just about anything they want that will agree with their personal doctrines or beliefs, by twisting the Scriptures to make it say what they want it to say. But we must remember, that in the last days, false christs, false teachers, false prophets, etc. will teach what people WANT to hear, instead of what they NEED to hear! In the last days, people will want to have their ears tickled, so they can continue a lifestyle that is displeasing to God. So false doctrine will accommodate those desiring to have their ears tickled from twisted Scripture. Hyper-grace is one such doctrine that is raising its ugly head in our world today. But this particular false doctrine is not new. Christ addressed this particular problem in Rev. 2:20-23. In this passage He rebuked the church at Thyatira for not only tolerating sin, but also because they allowed it, teaching that certain sins were okay. Who was behind this false teaching? A self-proclaimed prophetess named, Jezebel. In verse 21, He gave her time to repent, but she does not want to turn away from her immorality. Hyper-grace teaches that confessing and repenting of sin is not necessary, because everything is automatic (even all future sins), based on what Jesus Christ did on the cross. If this is true, then why did Jesus Christ require this false prophetess, Jezebel, to repent? Why wasnt her sins automatically covered and washed away by His blood? Is God a respecter of persons? Perhaps the spirit of Jezebel is behind this false doctrine!
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 22:34:33 +0000

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