WAR AGAINST POVERTY!!! 15th of January was the birthday for Dr - TopicsExpress


WAR AGAINST POVERTY!!! 15th of January was the birthday for Dr Martin Luther King. During his last birthday in 1968 at the age of 39, Dr King was busy strategizing on ‘war against poverty’ as currently reported by Rev. Jesse Jackson. Nonetheless, there are more people living in poverty in our world today than in the 1960s’ as indicated by various studies. I observed poverty as I grew up in East Africa where 50% of the population are poor. However, poverty is not just in parts of Africa and Asia, but poverty is a global crisis. I have seen poverty here in the streets of London, I have also witnessed the deficiency in Rome and in New York City, where hundreds of homeless people sleep rough on the streets under freezing temperatures. Poverty is also realised across the globe, where more than 27Million people are victims of modern slavery and human trafficking. Certainly, poverty is in our daily contacts, where majority of young people are jobless and cannot afford to pursue further education or to own property in their own land. Yet, we choose to be indifferent, whilst blaming the victims of poverty for their predicaments. So if I may ask you, what is your stand on poverty? Are you one of the people supporting corrupted, prejudiced and capitalists’ regimes? Are you supporting systems that spend more money on supporting wars and sending people to jail, than promoting peace and providing healthcare, education and jobs for their citizens and for others across the globe? Are you blaming poor and jobless people for their situations? Are you blaming victims of war and of human trafficking? Are you blaming immigrants and refugees for their conditions? OR is it just none of your business and you chose to be indifferent? Education, peace, equality and justice are the keys to eradicating ignorance, division and poverty. As Nelson Mandela alleged, a man has two obligations in life, first is to his family and secondly to his community and country. Furthermore, the book of Proverbs states that ‘whoever oppresses the poor is like a driving rain that drains the crops…and also insults God who created them’. Hence, it is our responsibility to help the poor people in our society rather than dismiss them. Subsequently, in honour of our great past heroes like Dr Martin Luther King, President Nelson Mandela, Sir William Wilberforce and many others who fought for the oppressed, let us join hands and fight against poverty and injustice. The war WILL be won through our daily agendas/interactions and also in our solidarity. Hence, let us expose prejudice, corruption, injustice and ignorance that are persistent in our world. Together we can promote education, fairness and further mentor our young people. If we can all play our part well, we can WIN the war against poverty. I am grateful to many who are already contributing positively towards this course. However, as I conclude I ask you to reflect on your legacy regarding poverty eradication. I hope you are with us on this call and not against us? Together we can make it, through faith and progressive actions. Eve.C ev-onlinecounselling
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 03:24:48 +0000

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