WAR SINS General Dynamics hired me as their Land Systems - TopicsExpress


WAR SINS General Dynamics hired me as their Land Systems Public Relations director in the early 1980s and I moved my family from Colorado Springs to western Troy, Michigan. Our sub-division bordered the wealthy communities of Birmingham and Bloomfield Hills where my children went to school and we shopped. I had a couple running courses (10-15 mile) that wove through all three communities so I knew the area well. During the late 1970s there was a serial child killer loose in Oakland Country and his last victim had been Timmy King, an 11-year-old from Birmingham. This serial killer did not entice the children—he snatched them off the street which made the case top priority for all the police departments. My novel EAGLES CRY BLOOD was published that gave me a modicum of celebrity in the area for a few seconds that drew the attention of the Birmingham chief-of-police and he tried recruiting me to ghost write “his” story on the Oakland Child Serial Killer who was never caught. I was given the opportunity to review numerous official files and was given police tours of different sites around the community that were in private estates. The ghost writing deal fell apart when I realized I would be doing all the research and work and receive less than ten cents an hour and none of the recognition for the finished product. The inability of the police to catch the killer got me thinking and is the basis for WAR SINS. After the first child was snatched—it would be very difficult for the serial killer to snatch the second child, so he must have been some type of authority figure. As I started researching the potential killer, I stumbled on a number of interesting points like; why there is rarely a catholic priest sentenced to prison? The answer is because they keep their own form of law and order and use monasteries as their prisons for clergy. As I continued formulating the novel I asked myself how a serial killer could just disappear. The options were numerous; he could have died or been arrested and put in prison for another crime—or he could have joined the military during a war where he could continue filling his need to kill children and have the perfect cover. …and the storyline for WAR SINS was completed. It starts as a civilian crime story and ends where it started but only after I take the reader on an action-packed adventure along the trail of pure evil tracked by pure good. WAR SINS is an amazon kindle eBook that can be read on any; computer, iPad, kindle device or smart phone and can be found at amazon for about a tenth the price of a hardback book. If any of your friends enjoy crime/war stories combined, I’d appreciate it if you would hit your Facebook “share” button. CLICK BELOW FOR FREE PAGES amazon/WAR-SINS-Donald-Zlotnik-ebook/dp/B00B1VH8QQ/ref=sr_1_8?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1394643764&sr=1-8&keywords=war+sins
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 10:48:05 +0000

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