WAR for KINGDOM FREEDOM By Ron McGatlin (Note from Ron, - TopicsExpress


WAR for KINGDOM FREEDOM By Ron McGatlin (Note from Ron, This is not a political article. It is prophetic insight into where some of the current world events are headed and God’s plan for His kingdom on earth.) To understand and move to victory in the current world situations, we need to grasp that the wars now going on are NOT political, nor are they instigated and led by natural human beings alone. Most importantly we must know the power and plan of God for establishing His kingdom in this world and what our part is in His plan. We are a part of a spiritual war for this world that has raged for the past two millennia and is now moving to another level. This is not a war driven by political issues or religious philosophical positions. It is a war between Light and darkness, literally the kingdom of Light and the kingdom of darkness - a war for spiritual kingship of the world. A war between Christ the true King and anti-Christ, the ruler of darkness, the enemy of God. Dealing with the military aggressions and stopping the advance of violent barbarian killers is urgent and important. However, it will not bring victory in this spiritual war for the world to become the kingdom of God. Dark evil spirits are behind every move and work of the anti-Christ hoards seeking the destruction of the people of God. It is not possible to look upon the surface of the situations and see what is really going on. We cannot know what is going on by listening to the rhetoric of politicians or media news reports. This is a spiritual war and only by spiritual discernment can we know what is really happening. As an example of this, consider what is happening now with ISIS. ISIS is actually doing harm to the Islamic worldwide war effort to conquer and enslave the free world. The barbaric nature underlying Islam as it exists today is much too visible in the horrific acts of ISIS in Iraq and Syria. Because the world is beginning to see the underlying true nature of Islam exposed in ISIS, the free world is beginning to awaken and could potentially arise to resist the worldwide Islamic subversive deadly takeover of free nations. Therefore, those who are in sympathy with the Islamic takeover and enslavement of the rest of the world will now welcome the annihilation of ISIS. Muslims do not want to kill Muslims. However, the goal of world dominance is of much greater value to Islam than a few thousand ISIS Muslims being killed or scattered. Therefore, Muslims and Islamic sympathizers will now begin to speak out in agreement with the destruction of ISIS. They will try to strengthen their claim that Islam is not like ISIS in order to continue the more gradual subversive takeover of free nations. The truth is that the same type of horrific things are now, and have been for some time, being done by Muslims in other nations. Yet without a lot of media news coverage, it is hardly noticed across the world. The destruction of ISIS will not change the real danger from the real war to subversively infiltrate the once powerful free nations to encourage the demoralization of the people and build a tolerance for Islam as a peaceful religion, while at the same time building an Islamic nation within the nation to eventually take over and convert the people to Islam or enslave or annihilate all non-Muslim people. The demonically driven ISIS fighters will simply step over to another group and continue working toward their goal of killing, enslaving, or converting all people of all faiths to Islam. Some years ago President Bush proclaimed emphatically, “We are not now and never will be at war with Islam!” In the natural realm, we may or may not be at war with Islam, but it is an absolute fact that Islam is at war with us. Finding God’s Purpose It is scripturally sound but hard to grasp that all of this is working together for good to those who love God and are called according to HIS PURPOSE. We have probably all underestimated the reality of the love of our God for His people and His kingdom on Planet Earth. Similarly we have probably not recognized the loss that we have been a part of allowing to come about in this world. A colossal failure has come about on the part of the free world. We the free people of this world, especially Christians, have failed to carry out God’s purpose and brought perhaps the greatest loss to the world since Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The free western world has eaten of the fruit of self-governance apart from God. We have relished the fruit of carnal self-pleasure seeking. We have failed to honor and walk with God. As nations we have fallen away from God and His ways and as nations are now being driven out from the place prepared for us to walk daily with God and manage our world as one with Him in accordance with His desires and instructions. We have failed to bring forth the powerful life and works of Christ in the Holy Spirit to change the world. Never before have so many done so little with so much. God has blessed some of the western Christian nations, probably beyond any nations on earth. Unbelievable provision of power, technology, and much more including the very presence of God in the Holy Spirit to do the marvelous and miraculous works of Jesus. In every area of life God blessed us with all that was needed to lift Christ and His kingdom up and move the world toward the fullness of the kingdom of heaven on earth. We have wasted the provision of God and used it for carnal pleasure. Nations are pouring the provision of God into games and pleasure seeking. I will not use the space here to list all the foolish waste of the gifts of God, just one typical example. American football season has just now kicked off. Across America any weekend there are many massive stadiums filled with millions of people who spent unbelievable amounts of money and effort to be there. Hundreds of millions of people eagerly participate in the games through TV. I am not picking on football. It is just one of the many idols that have replaced the true God in the lives of people. Can you even imagine how the world would be if all that energy, effort, mass media time, and money were turned toward the kingdom of God and used according to His directions. We do not even consider that we have made many other Gods and now turned away from the one true God who has blessed us with abundant blessings and resources. In my opinion this has to be the greatest waste of the provisions of God in all history. I am thankful for what good the Christian church systems have been able to do in serving God and His people in the past. I am indeed glad to be a true son of God and to know and love Him with all my heart and life. BUT I CAN TAKE NO PLEASURE IN WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO OUR NATIONS AND THIS WORLD ON OUR WATCH SO TO SPEAK. However, all is not lost, and all is not wasted. In the midst of all this God is preparing a pure holy people who have come out of the Babylonian culture and society and have turned to God with their whole hearts – purified jewels for His glory on earth - holy men and women of God who are empowered to lead the remnant army through the season of purifying judgments. The judgments are not punishment but cleansing for all who will turn to Him, and cleansing of the earth as multitudes who continue to resist God will be removed from the earth. God’s Plan for Victory The purpose of the uprising of evil violence that is sweeping the world is first a wakeup call to the Body of Christ and cleansing purification judgment in preparation for the establishment of a new world that will be cleansed of evil and full of the glory of the presence of God in and among His people. The once powerful Christian nations failed by marrying religion and divorcing the Holy Spirit. Some way we came to think that Jesus was in religion and not in the Holy Spirit. Some of the church systems who have to some degree embraced the Holy Spirit have continued to hold on to religious form believing that the Spirit would flow in and through the religious form. Religion does have power to make things happen and gather a lot of people. What the people do not know is that the power that religion has over people is often from religious spirits and not from the Holy Spirit of God. To the degree that we have held on to religion, we have to that same degree denied the Spirit of God. Without the fullness of the Holy Spirit, the church did not have the power to prevent the powers of darkness from invading and perverting the works of God. The biblical values of God were eroded, marriage and families broke down, and godly morality was replaced with promiscuity and perversion. Eventually God has been outlawed in schools, government institutions, and society in general. The core of the nations has rotted, and strength and power to resist the works of darkness has faded away. At the same time, God has for centuries been preparing a people. He has sent the return of the Pentecostal power of the Holy Spirit to bring the world to the reality of the kingdom of God. The plan of God for victory is for all of His people to fully embrace the fullness of the Holy Spirit and become one with God. This means leaving our religious roots to follow God with a pure heart in the pure holiness of Christ in us by the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of Christ and the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead comes to us in the Holy Spirit. The love, power, and wisdom of God is with us and in us by the Spirit of Christ and the Spirit who raised Christ from the dead in the Holy Spirit. The unlimited and unrestrained power of the love of God flowing in and through us along with multitudes of holy angels working with us is God’s plan for total victory in this world. Those who will come to God in this way will be empowered to abide in the shadow of the almighty through every day and night of their lives. Not just for the purpose of our personal safety and joy, but also for the greater purpose of establishing the kingdom of God from heaven on earth. We have reached the point of no return. The world will endure cataclysmic events of darkness while the true remnant of holy pure hearted people of God will secretly prosper in the pure holy love and light of God. After cleansing judgment has done its works, the mature sons of God will be released to arise from the secret place to bring forth the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. This is a season for miraculous works of God flowing through His love to be our everyday way of life in the glory of His presence. Thank you Jesus, Amen! Ron McGatlin
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 18:58:06 +0000

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