WARD 70 : NEWSLETTER FROM OUR WARD COUNCILLOR MS ANDREA CROUS 8 June 2013 Dear Residents I herewith would like to inform you about the following matters: PUBLIC MEETING: A public meeting will be held regarding the Galleria Development (the area next to the Velodrome and the Bellville Athletic track). Please attend this meeting. DATE: 12 June 2013 VENUE: VELODROME VIP ROOM TIME: 19:00 PARKS: The recent rains have left our parks fairly wet and will remain so for some time. Please be patient: the parks will be mowed soon again. We will also commence with the holes for the trees and shrubs as soon as the parks are dryer. STREETS: During winter more potholes appear in our streets and storm water drains are getting blocked. Please report this by sending a SMS to 31373 or send an email to [email protected] We kindly request that you do not sweep leaves and waste into the storm water drains, this will cause more blockage. Rather pick it up or ask your garden services to do so. Leaves and waste do not only cause blockage, but also increase the cost of purifying the storm water. GARDEN REFUSE: The municipality provides a removal service for removing extra garden rubble. Please dial 086 103 089 for this service. It may take up to seven days for the municipality to remove your garden rubble. The amount payable will be added to your municipality bill. MAJIK FOREST: The installation of the locking system is nearing completion. Please ensure that you buy your access disk from SPAR at Van Riebeeckshof. This will give you access to Majik Forest. Please take your I D Book and prove of address (your municipality bill will do) with when you buy your Majik Forest Access Disk. CYCLISTS: It is the policy of the City of Cape Town that cycling is not allowed in parks or any other public open space. This law is not well enforced since there is such a shortage of law enforcement officers. I sincerely hope that cyclists, joggers and people who just go for a walk will respect and consider each other so that we would not need to enforce the law. Unfortunately I receive complaints regarding the inconsiderate behaviour of the cyclists on a daily basis. One inconsiderate or rude cyclist gives all cyclists a bad reputation. I appeal to all cyclists who use Majik Forest to be considerate and not to use abusive language towards other patrons. WORLD DESIGN CAPITAL 2014: Cape Town is the World Design Capital for 2014. Many interesting events and projects will be planned for 2014. One such project is to compile a coffee table photo book. This book will be about Ward 70. Everyone who lives in Ward 70 can take part in realising this dream. More information regarding this Photo Project will be forwarded to you shortly. In the meantime it is good to know that photos can be taken with cameras or cell phones. You will be able to enter as many photos as you like. The best ones will be chosen to grace this unique book. You may also submit existing photographs that depict the area and its history or its people from the past. Thus everyone can take part! I thank you in anticipation for your cooperation. Kind regards Andrea Ward Councillor: Andrea Crous [email protected] 061 0283383 Disclaimer: This e-mail (including attachments) is subject to the disclaimer published at: capetown.gov.za/en/Pages/disclaimer.aspx. Please read the disclaimer before opening any attachment or taking any other action in terms of this e-mail. If you cannot access the disclaimer, kindly send an email to [email protected] and a copy will be provided to you. By replying to this e-mail or opening any attachment you agree to be bound by the provisions of the disclaimer.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 14:09:19 +0000

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