WARNING - Very long, drawn out rant to follow: At what point do - TopicsExpress


WARNING - Very long, drawn out rant to follow: At what point do you think listening in to others lives becomes abuse or even just effective versus ineffectual?...I am speaking to things like google software on your smart phone...if you know it or not the google software on your phone has the capability to listen to your conversations and I mean the conversations in your day to day life OFF the phone - not during your actual phone call - I am speaking of your daily conversations with others in your car, at work, while shopping, etc....marketing departments and software, corporations and companies, even situations as silly as individually run astrology sites can obtain the content of your conversations and then send you emails and advertisements to the websites you visit, individually market to you, try to sell to you, make changes to their own businesses, etc. - all based on the vocabulary and conversations the software takes in. I personally think it often times makes the marketing more inaccurate than accurate - not grammatically correct I know but still states what I am trying to convey - more inaccurate than accurate...especially with a life like mine that has as many moving parts, players and changing variables as mine does due to the constant moving, many different locations, facilities, people, situations and circumstances (all constantly in flux which is different from the average persons life). again - philosophical shoulds and ifs and the moral question of it all aside...I think it makes the marketing more inaccurate than accurate. Outside of the FBI, etc. monitoring for our protection - try not to throw rocks at me but I am actually one of the people who thinks it is ok for this kind of surveillance in our lives to exist to a certain extent - for our protection - as long as it is not being abused - probably because I have gotten too close to what can happen if that type of protection were not to exist in our country. I am speaking more of companies who spy on their employees and every employee in the company knowing what is going on with someones life due to leaks of that obtained information (there is the illegal/abusive side of things) - information that is mostly or often wrong, misunderstood or twisted when relayed/conveyed , of marketing departments of major corporations changing its marketing tactics toward an individual based on what they think they do or do not know about that individuals current circumstances, of even small businesses who utilize this strategy thinking it makes them appear right, on target, professionally advanced or having a pulse on the consumers life which would in some way benefit themselves who do this kind of thing. I probably will not get any response as this post is entirely too long and rambling - but again - having experienced this in detail due to my type of lifestyle and issues surrounding my life I find this kind of invasion (outside of protective reasons) to have results that are more inaccurate than accurate for whatever the motive is for the individual/entity engaging in this type of behavior/tactic...i find it to cause people to become reactionary to what they think is or is not going on in a persons life and how it would effect themselves - but lets face it most people do not seem to be able to grasp or realize - this type of invasion is only a keyhole picture image view of a persons entire life and can never reflect a full view of that persons existence and environment completely accurately. it is a one dimensional picture - one dimensional -much like the individuals who agree to take part in said situation. In making adjustments to their own stance on a situation based on obtained information I would say they are actually still off the mark (even more off the mark than they would have been had invading someones life not been a tactic) thus causing more problems than actual prevention or solution of any issue or situation. I think our lives have too many variables to ever allow this kind of thing to become an exact science so to speak and I actually think it even causes the outcomes of whatever intent to become more inaccurate than accurate....not to mention abusive.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 12:33:19 +0000

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