WARNING: DAVID HUGHES IS LONG WINDED ! Im so glad I dont - TopicsExpress


WARNING: DAVID HUGHES IS LONG WINDED ! Im so glad I dont have to write for a living as I would have to work two jobs just to survive! Some of you know a little about my story.... I never wanted to be involved in the ministry ....I moved to Houston, Texas to attend my dads Alma mater aka Texas Bible College. The two semesters that I attended TBC were not in vain and it had its place of influence in my life to say the least, but like Jeff Arnold has said so many times in the past...if you will listen to me, I can save you four years of Bible College! Now Im sure we could begin a thread on just what did JW Arnold mean when he said this and it would be interesting to see what some of you would have to say about that! I dropped out of bible college and began sowing wild oats in that Cow Town and then I enrolled in Radio Broadcasting School with Columbia School of Broadcasting little did I know that this would play into the very thing that I was running from! Dont think for a minute that I have forgotten the thread I began a few days back for I havent but again Im taking the scenic route to get there and I know I have heard those words before that are ringing in my ears.... are we there yet? and then the other line was something like this....will we ever get there? . Im not big on doing puzzles and yet I find myself admiring those who have the patience and the ability to stick to it until its done. Mind you I have looked at a few pieces of the sky line, blue in color and have thought where in the world does that fit in...it is just a meaningless blob...but if you were to leave that one piece of the puzzle out it wouldnt look right and so I say to those of you who are wondering where Im going with this...presently it appears this is that blue piece of the puzzle that fits but where and couldnt we do without this but then again you already know the answer it all works together....! I had begun evangelizing in the mid 80s and I had one of those Class A motorhomes like Arlo Guthrie, John Wayne and Johnny Cash owned and was I ever excited about traveling to our meetings in that Travco, as it looked like a bus! I was working on the bus and my neighbor whom we had spoken to on many occasions about the Lord called me over on that particular day and was he ever excited about a booklet that he had handed to him and he wanted to share with me EIGHTY EIGHT...REASONS WHY THE LORD IS COMING IN 1988! It was great to see him so excited about the coming of the Lord but I was thrilled about the coming of the Lord a long time before that guy wrote that booklet which was followed by the sequel Eighty Nine Reasons Why the Lord is Coming in 1989! After the sequel I dont think he wrote another book about the coming of the Lord and to think of it...Were just one day closer to the kingdom....! I still believe in the coming of the Lord and there is no revelation or teacher that can destroy that hope of glory which has been burned on my hard drive by the Holy Ghost and it can never be deleted. And the scriptures speak of scoffers in the last days who walk after their own lusts... whereas the child of God is is filled with the lusts of the Holy Spirit and some of you cant handle that as you have always been taught that the word lust means inordinate desire but it also means strong unquenchable desire and that is birthed in the heart of every child of God who endure the grooming of the Spirit to bring forth the fruit of the same. Now consider this passage for clarification ..for the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh.... and so there is a lust of the flesh and a lust of the spirit and they are contrary the one to the other so that ye cannot do the thing that ye would. Before the coming of the Lord the whole earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord....and the glory of the latter house will be greater than that of the former house....the former being Solomons house and the Latter house was begun on the day of Pentecost and if a day with the Lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day ...we can safely say that we are in the third day....And you will never get me to believe that hes coming for a shriveled up bride no a thousand times no but he is coming back for a vibrant bride and the only thing that is keeping the groom from showing up is he is waiting for the precious fruit of the earth and hath long patience for it until he receive the early and the latter rain, be ye aslo patient, stablish your hearts for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh. How do we stablish the heart? This is where the five fold ministry comes into play. Having been raised in the Apostolic movement and being a scriptorian, I soon began to discover some things that couldnt be reconciled by what I had been taught. But I had been taught that thy word is truth and to search the scriptures for in them ye think ye have life and they are they that testify of me... and I while I wasnt a scholar as some are, yet I was a student and I could do what the Apostle Paul instructed Timothy to do in order to be a faithful servant and that was study to shew thyself approved unto God...I dont study to impress men as it is him with whom we have to do....the judge of the whole earth...whose eyes are in every place beholding the evil and the good and so with that in mind I could continue studying preparing to be a workman that needeth not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth. We have thrilled at the songs such as theres going to be a revival in the land.... and other such songs as light in the evening time.... and I was taught that we were born in the fire and smoke wont quench the desire for fire....! And while we have a desire to ask the apostles of the miracles and healings they witnessed and such like, yet it is they who are going to ask of us... and what did you experience in your ministry and if we are ever going to reach our full potential we must have the mentoring and the influence of the fivefold ministry to grow up into him which is the head of all principality and power unto the full stature of the fulness of Christ. Why is it that the Apostolic movement and even a few others in the Pentecostal /Charismatic movement have a problem with someone who recognizes they are a prophet or say an Apostle but they have no problem whatsoever with one saying Im an evangelist. The sad fact is that most who travel and claim to be an evangelist are not the equivalent of a new testament evangelist and while I will not take the time to teach on that let me just say a few words as the new testament example of an evangelist is seen in two shining examples....#1 when the Lord sent them forth he gave them power against unclean spirits ...NOT TO IDENTIFY THEM.... but to cast them out and he gave them authority to heal the sick...healing all manner of sickeness and disease Now we have too many evangelist who know so little about the redemption benefit called healing the sick and the prayer of faith and the problem is because we lack true men of God like Barnabas the Son of Consolation who mentored Paul in the Spirit in spite of public opinion within the church who questioned the veracity of Pauls testimony.... we need men who are not above fellowshipping with the newbies on the block who have a burning desire and a call of God upon their lives and just need to be nurtured by a mentor! #2 after the day of Pentecost when they were filled with the Holy Ghost it took being filled with the Holy Ghost and men of honest report and full of wisdom to do just the menial task of serving tables... see Acts chapter 6 of course one of these had an added dimension and his ability to be a servant qualified him to be a leader of men and women in ministry as he was also a man full of faith and power or authority.... both revealed when he preached and when he spoke a word of faith to withered limbs and to evil spirits to depart. Im not meaning to hurt anyones feelings but it is time we return to a biblical qualifications for being an evangelist! The Assembly of God at least understand that exhorters license is more in line with those who have just entered the ministry and this local license what is that and furthermore where is that in the bible? And by the way the obtaining of a license is absolutely biblical and here is the scripture for it....Acts 21:40 the heathen not the deacon nor the district superintendent but the heathen gave Paul a license to speak.... And when he had given him license.... and this was in response to Pauls request when he said, I beseech thee or I beg thee for that is what beseech means...suffer or allow me to speak unto the people....Acts 21:39 b Before I go... I was preaching in the south and on two occasions and maybe more I was asked by the Pastor ....WHY DID YOU STOP NOW? and I was preaching in a Pentecostal Church of God and when I stopped the Pastor again in front of the whole church asked me again Why did you stop? I just wish that I could have been in the service when that young man fell asleep when Paul was preaching and after raising him from the dead he preached until the light of day.....WOW! I dont know about you but I have this insatiable appetite for the word of God... You tell me you want to go to heaven but you dont have time for the word of God and I will tell you I believe you would be bored if you got to heaven and that is just my opinion! The only time I dont have my foot in my mouth .....is when Im changing feet!
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 06:50:33 +0000

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