WARNING: Do NOT read this if you have moral, ethical, or - TopicsExpress


WARNING: Do NOT read this if you have moral, ethical, or religious beliefs that prevent you from fighting back against an active shooter that intends to murder you, your wife, or your children ... Dear Fellow Patriot, Would you know what to do if someone started shooting in a public place? We’ve seen it again and again in our schools, our places of work and worship, our shopping malls ... practically everywhere. An Active Shooter is defined by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security as: “An individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area ...” Here are three surprising facts from the FBI’s Critical Incident Response Group website you absolutely MUST know. FACT #1: Active-shooter incidents often occur in small- and medium-sized communities where police departments are limited by budget constraints and small workforces ... Which simply means: yes, it can happen to you. In your town. No matter how “safe”. How big or how small. No matter where you live ... FACT #2: The average active-shooter incident lasts 12 minutes. And 37% of the time it’s all over in less than 5 minutes ... On the other hand, the FBI also reports “Many rural schools are located in small, isolated towns served by only state police or sheriff’s departments. The far-flung patrol responsibilities and limited staff levels of those agencies make a 20- to 30-minute response time an optimistic best-case scenario; in reality, it may take 45 minutes to an hour before authorities arrive.” Because of this ... You should know that if someone ever starts shooting – you absolutely can NOT count on the Police being there to protect you ... And waiting for them won’t save you or your family’s life. That’s the bad news ... The good news is FACT #3: FBI statistics say you’re better off finding a way to survive on your own. When civilians intervene before Police arrive, they stop mass shootings over 33% of the time. And the DHS guide on how to respond to active shooters says that as a last resort, “your chance of survival is much greater if you try to incapacitate him/her” ... In fact, the evidence is so compelling that even the New York Times recently ran a news article with the headline: “In Shift, Police Advise Taking an Active Role to Counter Mass Attacks” In short: Being passive and waiting for help to arrive can get you or your family killed. On the other hand, taking action can save you, your wife, your kids ... and ... even other innocent people around you who are too scared to act or don’t know what to do. The question is: do YOU know what to do? If you can’t answer that question right away ... If you don’t already have a plan ... Then you need to listen to every word of this important message, because it might just save your life. My name is Caleb Lee. I’ve been a black belt for over 14 years and I’m an NRA Certified Firearm Instructor. I’m also the founder and president of an exclusive Self-Defense and Self-Reliance newsletter called The 3-Percenter Report. But forget about all that for now because it’s not all that important. What is important is that for the past several years I’ve been researching and studying active shooter events and working on a training course to teach good, honest, American civilians critical survival tactics that can literally mean the difference between life and death for you or your family during an Active Shooter crisis ... Before, the only way to access this type of information was to take an expensive, live training class for thousands of dollars ...
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 16:26:33 +0000

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