WARNING: IF YOU ARE MUSLIM DO NOT CLICK THIS LINK. THE IMAGES WILL OUTRAGE YOU AND BREAK YOUR HEARTS. IT IS THE WORK OF SATAN, BUT WE MUST BEAR IT BECAUSE FOR NOW, SATAN RULES. THESE IMAGES ARE AIMED AT PROVOKING VIOLENCE AND BATTERING THE SELF ESTEEM OF MUSLIMS. THEY SHOULD SUCCEED AT DOING NEiTHER. This idea that unlimited free speech is good for society is pure BS. It is good for the rich, the elite and the entitled who routinely use the law to hurt those who are weaker and who cannot fight back. Its like the neighborhood bully throwing a hardball, crashing it into the skull of a disabled kid without arms, then laughing and saying, go ahead, you can hit me back, but only like I hit you, with hands and arms. The minorities in most societies do not have fancy magazines that will publish their images of the world, or the world view of the dispossessed. Is there anyone prepared to argue with a straight face, that the same laws that protect a claimed right to portray the prophet Muhammad (sa) in a horrible fashion, will protect anyone who chooses to portray Israel as the filthy whore ridden POS that it is in the same way? There are too many examples of double standards in respect to free speech to claim that all speech is free speech and that everyones right to free speech is protected equally. This claim to unfettered rights to free speech is a BS play on words and wrong headed sympathy for the rights of the elite and privileged to demonize and put in peril the lives of the weak, the poor and.the politically disenfranchised. This claimed right makes it possible for any elite or privileged person with access to the media to tell lies, defame, excite hatred and violence against people who cannot do the same to them. It justifies and makes possible genocides and greases the slippery slope towards that method of social cleansing of the people we dont like, or want to have around because they are not like us. Personally, I believe Muslims should leave the West. We dont have the stomach for their hypocrisy and capacity to hurt others and the cowardice that causes them to want to hurt, but never to be hurt. Allah will not punish them for their evil as long as we are among them. We must separate and let them meet their fate, the fate they created for themselves with this false idea of free speech. Insha Allah, I will write more on this BS effort to claim that there is such a thing as speech without consequence and responsibility and the movement to deny society the right to decide which consequences and responsibilities they want, or dont want. Allah forgive me for posting this, but I could not separate the pictures from the article and the article is a very important because it shows how far the Zionist NWO is ready to go to continue its global genocide against Muslims and its war on Islam. I ask all of my Muslim brothers and sisters for their forgiveness also. . .Sabr Jameela.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 05:17:29 +0000

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