WARNING! KNOCK OFF THE BULLSHIT REPORTS. National Report is - TopicsExpress


WARNING! KNOCK OFF THE BULLSHIT REPORTS. National Report is pure liberal satire designed to discover stupid conservatives who are dumb enough to spread their idiotic bullshit. WARNING! If you can be so easily duped in to beleaving such obvious and foolish liberal satire then you are to stupid to be in this intelligent group. Just because you want something to be true doesnt mean you forgo common sense. Case in point, The bogus report about Judge Roberts issuing an Interpol arrest warrant for Obama. First, no US judge has international jurisdiction. Judge Roberts has no authority to issue an interpol arrest warrant. Second, Interpol has no arrest authority in the USA. Third, treason is a domestic crime not an international crime. I could go on and on about how completely stupid this bogus report is. How could any of you possibly fall for something this idiotic? I am really getting sick and tired of people posting bullshit posts that clearly have no basis in fact and that even mental midgets should be able to immediately ID as bogus. I am asking admins to ban the next damn fool who posts anything from National Report. These kind of posts are embarrassing to The Facebook Tea Party. This has to end now. Damn this really pisses me off.
Posted on: Sat, 31 May 2014 12:27:08 +0000

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