WARNING: LANGUAGE. Also, violence. Who was the good guy here? - TopicsExpress


WARNING: LANGUAGE. Also, violence. Who was the good guy here? NEITHER. Who practiced good Active Self Protection? NEITHER. Lessons to be learned from this fairly nasty street fight at a QT though. Lessons: 1. Dont run your mouth. To paraphrase Top Gun, never write checks with your mouth that your skills cant cash. 2. There was no de-escalation here by either party. Just walk away. This wasnt a self-defense encounter, it was a chest-thumping ego trip for both. It ended up being a hospital trip for one as well. 3. I think that the bystanders did a good job of stepping in and stopping it once the fight was clearly over and it was just piling on. I wouldnt recommend getting involved in something like this, but once the idiot on the ground was in danger of being permanently maimed it was probably a good thing to verbally step in and get the other guy off. 4. Trouble: dont start none, wont be none. 5. I dont want to get into this kind of encounter. Im trained in empty-handed self-defense, but I would rather walk away. If some guy wont just end it there but pursues, I would bring the OC spray out and ask one more time for him to back off. If not, he gets a face full because going hands-on is always dangerous. Just me. Attitude. Skills. Plan.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 01:00:00 +0000

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