WARNING: LONG POST: Finally someone else who has higher - TopicsExpress


WARNING: LONG POST: Finally someone else who has higher expectations of black people. He calls the looting what it is! Embarrassing! If I could send one message to the black community it would be that no one is coming to help. Youre on your own. Youve been waiting for help and change, youve been waiting, your parents have been waiting, and your grandparents waited, and no one has come to the rescue. No one is coming to help you have to do it on your own. Burning your community to the ground is not helping you or the mourning family of Michael Brown. I love the part where he says How many encounters have I had with the police? MANY. How many times has it gotten out of hand? NONE. Profiling is real. When I drive a nice car I dont get a second look. When I was driving my brothers old, beat up car I was pulled over 8 times in 2 months. Police thought I looked more suspicious and gave me tickets for things I didnt always deserve. And we can wait for someone to someday teach all the police to start extending grace and compassion towards black people and putting aside their bigotry but we will be waiting a long long time. Dont hold your breath. There are racist policemen out there but I will not give them the satisfaction of arresting me for a crime of which Im actually guilty. They will have to set me up and make it look real because I wont give them the satisfaction of actually being guilty. I will not contribute to their confirmation bias. This man points out that there was no media or civil rights attention given to any of the black people who were recently killed by other black people. That is societys lowered expectations. Its not news when that happens because society has come to expect it from us. Its time to change. No one is going to do it for us. We have toiled this mountain long enough. Black people have been preached a constant sermon of discouragement for years! Everyone else has it easier. Its going to be really hard for you. Theyre keeping you down. You probably wont succeed. Its not fair. The police have it out for you. Some of those things may be true but its gotten many people to the point where they dont try because they dont believe they can. Whats the point in obeying the law when youre gonna get arrested either way? Whats the point in trying to better yourself if you probably wont succeed? Black people are discouraged and its time to raise expectations and start positive feedback. It might be hard but you can do it. I dont mean to sweep aside all the steps people have been taking to try and help the black community because there is heart in that. Its babysteps but it is helping. However, like Jonathan Gentry says in this video Change isnt going to come until WE change it. And people wont change it til they believe they can. Time to raise expectations.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 22:23:19 +0000

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