*** WARNING LONG POST *** Some of you may like this post, some - TopicsExpress


*** WARNING LONG POST *** Some of you may like this post, some may not like this post, some will unlike my page, some will disagree and some will completely understand where I am coming from... Either way I am saying what I want to say. This is from my experience, this is from my heart and where I would like to be. Why did I decide to join Beachbody? This was not an easy decision for me. I did have other companies and options that I could have went with. I spent sometime thinking about this. Why did it take me so long to decide? When Insanity first came about I was still sitting on my ass on the couch. A friend of my husband gave him the program to try. I was like oh that does not look so bad. I wanted to try it with my husband. But I was always that person that would say Monday... Eventually that Monday came and I got up the nerve to try the fitness test. I could not even get through that. I was freakin dying. I could not catch my breathe and everything hurt. I knew that there was no way in hell I could do that program. But my husband kept trying to get me to do it with him. So again I got up and gave it another go round. Of course, it was another FAIL! Accept this time I ended up very sick, my heart was racing and I was throwing up. The next day my urine was brown. I had over done it. I literally laid in bed for 2 days. I swore up and down that I was never going to do that program again. Then my husband got Focus T25. He was like we need to try this one. I was like oh HELL NO, I am not doing that again! Again I watched my husband do it. This one really did not look so bad and I loved the modifier. At this point I was slowly gaining my confidence at the gym. I loved the gym.. I loved being there and I loved watching myself get stronger and stronger. I would challenge myself in ways that I had never challenged myself before. I would do cardio on the Ellipticals, Treadmills, Stairmaster and Crossramp.. Eventually I got bored with that. I found myself doing less and less of that. But I would not miss a day to weight train. Then when I found myself getting discouraged because I could not get those numbers to drop on the scale I ended up at doctor after doctors. Finally, I was told that my diet was ALL wrong. I was a person that kept record of what foods I ate and what workouts I did. It made this very easy for my doctor to see that I was not bullshitting them. Sometimes when you tell someone that you do something everyday and they look at you like you dont look like you even get off of the couch. This made me sad and I was feeling myself go into a deep depression. So let me tell you something. When someone tells you, this diet works for EVERYONE. That is a LIE! A diet that a body builder eats does not work for a person with Insulin Resistance Syndrome, sorry! Our bodies produce waaaay too much insulin to break down the complex carbs. Then whatever insulin is not used turns into fat. Unfortunately I am also hypoglycemic and need to be able to eat a small amount of complex carbs to keep my glucose elevated... This is a battle that I fight EVERY SINGLE DAY! I will not go into that much detail about Insulin Resistance Syndrome. It is very complicated subject. But the ones that have it UNDERSTAND! So once again, I knew that I needed to lose weight. Yeah, I am strong but I am OVERWEIGHT and I am still at risk for heart attack, diabetes and other heath problems. This makes me sad everyday. Because I am not a person that likes to sit around and accept this. I am hard headed and determined to be the boss of my body. I thought about that T25 sitting right on the shelf. So I got the courage up to get up and turn it on. No one was home to see me struggle or cry if I could not get through it. Let me tell you I struggled and YES I used the modifier. But I fell in love with the program. Now I was in a lot better shape then I was way back when I decided to give Insanity a try. It was a hit and a miss for me to do T25. I was basically just doing it on my cardio days. Then I would go weeks without doing it. Then I would flick it back on. However, I asked myself one morning when I got up to do it, I wonder what would happen if I just did the program the way that I was suppose to? Let me tell you what happened. I started the program and I lost 3 lbs. the very first week that I started it. I have continued to do it every day after that. As of right now I am going into my 3rd week of T25 and I am not weighing myself until December 31st when I get ready to start my next Challenge Program 21 Day Fix. Oh and by the way INSANITY you have not beat me I WILL BE BACK FOR ROUND 2. Why I decided to join Beachbody? I love my coach Jennifer, I love the support, I love the workouts and I love what it is doing for my confidence and endurance. I love what the company stands for. I love the challenge that it gives me EVERYDAY! The only person that I have to fight in this battle is myself. At the end of the day what works for me may not work for you. But I am definitely going to keep my journey raw. You will see the horrible side of me, you will see my struggle and you will see my success. I hope that all of you decide to hang around and watch me SUCCEED! Thank you so much for you continued love and SUPPORT! To all of my IRS friends, I understand your struggle where others never will.. One more thing YOU WILL NEVER SEE THIS GIRL STEP OUT OF THE GYM.. I am a HELL BENT CHICK and I love my FREE WEIGHTS. If your program is not working for you, find one that will regardless of what other people think about your decision. It is your life and it is your health. Nobody else lives in your body! My goal for 2015 is to be waaay better then I was in 2014. I want to thank my husband Jesse Galindo and Jennifer Harrelson FIT MOM Of 4 they both gave me the confidence that I needed to take this next step in my life.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 03:03:30 +0000

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