WARNING LONG RANT AND INFO ABOUT OCEAN PARKS PROBABILITY OF BEING DUPED BY CITY MANAGER AND ELECTED COUNCIL! I have been involved with and monitoring this for almost 8 years. At the SDCC meeting last week, the project engineer for the Lesner replacement displayed for the attendees of that meeting the application made for the temporary bulkhead and concrete deck being constructed at the spoils site that is exactly the same as the former permanent proposed Dredge SpoilsTransfer Station in 2007. You can now see the steel bulk heading and massive tie-backs constructed and ready for the massive concrete deck to be installed. This is a recent map(4/2014) for the SSD program for dredging the western side of the Lynnhaven STILL shows Crab Creek as a proposed dredge material transfer station. This map also shows what struggles must exist with the cites hungry team of do-gooders who want to have waterfront owners all along the Lynnhaven agree to a significant real estate tax hike by a 80 per cent agreement rate. The program only has agreements reached with 3 neighborhoods. So how does the city dupe OP to bringing back the mud and slime truck hauling operation into the Ocean park neighborhood??? My guess is a press release goes out that lets all the non waterfront owners what a good thing COVB has done to convince the wealthy waterfront owners to tax themselves and WHAT A HUGE WASTE OF MONEY IT WOULD BE TO REMOVE THE TEMPORARY BULKHEAD AT THE LESNER (approximately 500,000.00 demo costs) THAT COULD BE USED BY THE CITY AND ALL THE PRIVATE, COMMERCIAL AND SSD DREDGING. Project manager Wojtowicz admitted Deputy City Manager wants this B.S. temporary bulkhead left in place for use as a DMTS all the while he and staff are pretending that it will be removed.....uhhh .....they work for the City manager... So what else can they do to fool OP......heres my guess....In an effort to balance the needs of the waterways the city gave the land to CBF ($$$$$$$) that gets them off their back by neighboring them to a gigantic industrial muck dredge epicenter, lie to the OP community about a temporary structure coincidentally entangling it with a bridge project, and on top of all of that delay the Shore Drive improvements to 2025 west of the bridge. NOTE THIS: We have almost no sidewalks, little to no curb and gutter, no effective drainage, roads leading to CBF that are paved trails (E Stratford) and yet the east side which has all of those nice things is first WTH? And the COVB has entertained spending 50 MILLION DOLLARS to remediate flooding in Lynnhaven Colony and now says that remediation is the reason the improvements were moved to the east side? And yet we all lived crammed in to maximum density, paying way more taxes per acre than any other part of VB and we are treated like a bad red headed stepchild. These are facts not opinions. END OF RANT!
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 17:05:48 +0000

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