WARNING: NSFW (Not Suitable for Whiners) Post follows. Setup.. - TopicsExpress


WARNING: NSFW (Not Suitable for Whiners) Post follows. Setup.. Overheard dozens of times in the last month by ME! Whether in a strategy session, conversation or even in a consulting session it, I hear the following words more than just about ANYTHING else… Im doing the same as (INSERT NAME OF INCREDIBLY SUCCESSFUL PERSON) except just not nearly to the same level (YET)... then.. “Excuse, excuse, excuse as to why those who are succeeding have it easier” Keep in mind MANY of these conversations Im holding are with people who have been in and around this business and industry for MONTHS and MONTHS or even YEARS and YEARS and YEARS... Tony Bennett, LeBron James, Sheldon Adelson and Peyton Manning have far more in common with each other than with other singers (random people singing in the shower), basketball players (middle aged overweigh men playing HORSE on some court), hoteliers (a random dude with a 16 room rent by the hour motel) or even someone who occasionally plays using Peyton Manning himself on ES Sports Football on XBox... Here’s the game they are each playing… They are all WINNERS... which is why they can respect the WINNING nature of each other and command respect - NOT because they SING, or throw leather balls around or check people in and out of hotels. It’s because they do it at the LEVEL they do - not what they choose to WIN with. Your business is more defined by your LEVEL of play than by your FIELD OF PLAY. So- if you are an uncommitted, mediocre poser... you share almost NO common ground with someone who teaches the same topic as youve chosen to teach on... Except that you have chosen to be dull on the same field that they have chosen to shine! Your common ground come with people who have the same COMMITMENT as you do - which will be shown by your RESULTS... There are no “Business Categories” that are a guaranteed win, nor any that are an impossibility. If you have mad skills, the more difficult the challenge, the harder the reward. To date, I don’t know of any million dollar payouts at the putt-putt golf course! So if you choose to hang around a lot of people committed to excuses as to why REAL ESTATE is hard to make money in - there are plenty who are ROCKING their worlds in that industry. The same goes for COACHING, SPIRITUAL TEACHINGS, WORKING WITH INTEGRITY or whatever external BS youve chosen to use as a REASON for your lack of success rather than your own total lack of self-commitment. Your lack of success is EITHER (A) you’re too lazy to put in the work to be great or (B) you are working hard to get people to pay you for something you will never be any good at. Period… So who you are ‘really like’ at any point in your business, fitness or life has little to do with the FIELD you’ve chosen to walk onto… it’s how BRIGHT you’ve prepared to shine or (on the other hand) how dull a you that you’ve decided to accept. Just a question about you and your choices? Isnt it getting a little tiring talking up how youre almost there when youre around someone you want to impress and talking down how hard it is when youre around someone you want sympathy from? FACT: Winners are doing things you will most likely NEVER DO and THAT is the reason you will keep hanging your reputation on being a Kinda Them instead of just having your own reputation... Because referring to your own results - while the most TRUTHFUL thing you could say - defines you so un-flatteringly that you cant bear to use yourself as the face of your own identity... Stop the BS - Step up and take responsibility for your life and you will see success far faster than all of this nonsense… Or... keep it up and keep getting more and more reasons to complain.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 15:08:52 +0000

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