WARNING ON JULY 18th by Prophetess Danielle P. Smith .........It - TopicsExpress


WARNING ON JULY 18th by Prophetess Danielle P. Smith .........It is Long but you better Wake Up and get Knowledge BEWITCHED!!! The Lord says, “There is a whole lot of bewitchment going on!” Many of you have been bewitched! You have been bewitched at the desire of power and titles. You have allowed yourselves to be bewitched and ensnared by Jezebelic Leadership and have acquired the traits of the Jezebel spirit! The desire you have [that is of yourself] has opened you up for such a thing. Bewitched is the opposite of God and His Kingdom. Bewitchment and witchcraft is not an obvious magic. Rather, it is the smooth, cunning, wise, and stealth maneuver of the serpent that slips in subtly without notice to make you a grand candidate for hell who is enlarging herself everyday. Witches are not a fable, nor are they characters dawning a black cap & warted noses while sporting a broom. Witches are human ‘I can touch you’ people like you and I. Witches are not out in the open with their evil motives and hidden agendas. Witches are unsuspecting; if not revealed by God, they are ones you would never expect. Could be your Momma, your Sistah, your Daddy, Brother, Child, Spouse, Neighbor, Teacher, Co-Worker, or Boss. Oh yeah, or your Pastor and Co-leaders! Witches are wolves in sheep clothing. Witches will come in, attend, lead, participate, pretend, and promote a ministry for A TIME! This is until they have gained the adornment of the people and the accolades of men, enough so that it would take no instance in wooing you. The Lord showed me a vision: Just like you come from behind an animal and snap its neck. The attack of the enemy byway of a witch is stealth, quick, and is painless… to the dead! See, they look for complacency. They sniff out and/or create discord to devise a platform for their motive to stand upon. They look for that area, that place IN YOU, the ministry, or a relationship to “stroke” the pain away… aid in your pity, or latch onto that inner longing you hold… they become intel for ALL your information to pass on… Not every witch is “hands-on.” Just like at a place of employment, a school setting, and the Kingdom of God, there is hierarchy in the kingdom of darkness and in the sect or coven of witches. They are charming, controlling and seek [continuous] control, jealous, domineering, gifted--especially in the prophetic, competitive, loves to fascinate, murderous, an insider (close to leadership) if not leadership, begrudging, male and female, young and old! Check those round tables you have and even the inner talks with yourself. Watch what you may be wishing upon another, because witches are covert: Whispering spells, praying wicked prayers privately, and is usually in the thick of an oust, or some type of breakdown (in ministry, relationship, health, and/or mind). “Who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth…? This only I want to learn from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh? Have suffered so many things in vain—if indeed it was in vain?” (Gal. 3:1-4, NKJV) COME OUT COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE!! YOUR TIME IS UP!! GET READY FOR YOUR BIG REVEAL SAYS GOD!!! YOU WILL NO LONGER OPERATE & OCCUPY MY PULPITS! YOU WILL NO LONGER DECEIVE & MISLEAD MY PEOPLE ASTRAY!! YOU NO LONGER HAVE DOMINION~YOUR SEASON IS UP & IT IS OVER!! TIME TO COME HOME MY CHILDREN OF THE FOLD! NO LONGER TIME FOR BEING FALSE, THIS IS MY WARNING BECAUSE I LOVE YOU! HEED MY WARNING CHILD BECAUSE I LOVE YOU! THERE IS NOTHING TOO HARD FOR ME TO CHANGE IF YOU TURN YOURSELF OVER TO ME! MY GRACE IS SUFFICIENT & MY MERCY ENDURETH BUT NOT TO THE ONE WHO BLATANTLY DISOBEYS OR REBELS. I AM LORD OF ALL! I AM LORD OF ALL! I AM THE I AM AND I AM THE LORD OF ALL! REPENT & COME HOME!!
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 14:12:02 +0000

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