*** WARNING POLITICAL RANT *** TOE THE PARTY LINE! I have a lot to do today, but I wanted to take the time to express my disappointment and disgust for my fellow Connecticut residents. I have heard for a while now from so many people that many of you are spineless sheep following the Sheppard, that you can’t think for yourselves, you’re lazy and cant form a decisive thought if your lively hood depended upon it. For many I actually defended you, saying that you were misguided, the necessary tools and experience weren’t available for you to make the better decision. How do you repay me for this? By spitting in my face and restricting my children. Why? Because more than 503,000 of you are just as much of a coward as people said you were, either too lazy or too unintelligent to actually do some research and make a decision based on fact rather than what you were told to do. On top of that more than 10,000 of you are just straight up morons who should have their right to vote taken away from them for being irresponsible and voting for someone who wasn’t even running. If you can’t take your right to vote seriously, then you shouldn’t have the right to do so for the safety of those around you. You know who you are and whether or not I am talking about you, you know what you have done. You have proven that your unhealthy desire to win, to toe the party line at all costs is your priority. You have taken the ability to achieve the “American Dream” away from so many hard working, middle class Connecticut families. You have removed the hopes of living out your retirement years in the same state that so many of us grew up in. Many of you call yourself educated, yet you believe everything you see on TV. Many of you say you’re in tune with your surroundings, yet you fail to see how for so many it is getting harder and harder to meet the basic needs of survival. I say this to you. You’re an ignorant, belligerent group of mechanical citizens who have replaced reality with some fabricated, diluted illusion that tomorrow can be better if we all hope for change. You all see your party as some sort of Robin Hood figure, the underprivileged pillaging from the privileged for the greater good. I hate to have to point this out to you, but Robin Hood, fact or fiction couldn’t change the world. More than 700 years later, the less fortunate still want what the fortunate few have, the difference is now you don’t want to earn it anymore, you expect it to be given to you. Keep in mind as you effectively destroy the ladder to success, there are hard working people half way up that ladder that are going to come crashing down on top of you in the pool of the disadvantaged, while the 1% continue to expand the gap and run away with “your” riches. So you keep on doing it, you toe the party line.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 18:51:42 +0000

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