WARNING POSSIBLE OFFENSIVE RANT POST! IF YOU ARE EASILY OFFENDED WE SHOULD NOT BE FRIENDS. So I am a part of a group the is filled with geeks, and a subject came up that I am heavily opinionated on. Why there are no overweight superheros. My reaction was instantly saying that for someone to save the day that have to be in shape in order to catch the villain, chase down a robber, or anything that requires physical activity. I was quickly met with criticism and the remark of So you would not be ok with a fat cop saving you? My instant response was that most cops do have to meet a physical standard anyway, and if the cop is on the fat side then I would be afraid that he would choose a doughnut over me. My honest opinion of the entire Overweight issue is that yes there are people who cant help it due to health reasons but a lot of them are trying. The people who are fat and try to blame in on health reasons but do nothing about it, I have no sympathy for and honestly believe that any added issues they receive from it are their own fault. I have recently made a friend who proves my point. She is larger and for years was not allowed to work out, but recently has been cleared for physical activity. She has been watching her diet and got a membership to a gym, that she is now an employee of. She is taking steps to becoming healthier and I am very happy for her because she is actually trying. To sum up this rant, I would just like to say that the reason why there are no obese superheros is because people want to be saved by someone who runs faster than a speeding bullet, not rolls faster than one.
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 02:49:49 +0000

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