WARNING: POTENTIAL CHRISTMAS SPOILERS AHEAD EastEnders have released their first Christmas promo pictures - and, while Danny Dyers on-screen family look happy enough in the shot, theres one glaring problem. Mick Carter, partner Linda (Kellie Bright), and their two eldest children Lee (Danny-Boy Hatchard) and Nancy (Maddy Hill) are all present and correct in the shot - alongside family pooch, Lady Di. But youngest child Johnny is missing from the shot. And, as we all know that Sam Strike has quit the show, it seems as if this could be a big hint that his departure from Walford will happen around the festive period. READ: HOW WILL JACQUELINE JOSSAS PREGNANCY AFFECT EASTENDERS LAUREN BRANNING? An EastEnders statement teased: Secrets and lies have a habit of coming out in Walford, and this Christmas is no exception. Since arriving in the Square, the Carter family has settled into The Queen Victoria, but although Mick may think that everything is running smoothly for his family, he is unaware that a few of them are harbouring dark secrets of their own. Linda has been through the most traumatic experience of her life, raped by Micks brother Dean. Worried about what the truth will do to Mick and the repercussions it will have on their family, Linda has kept it to herself - but for how long? Since Mick was born Shirley has been burdened with the secret that she is not Micks sister, but his mother. SEE: EASTENDERS FINALLY UNVEILS CRUCIAL LUCY BEALE EVIDENCE They added: A secret she has been desperate to keep hidden. But with all the family gathered for Christmas and a surprise appearance from Shirleys long-lost mother Sylvie, will Shirleys shameful secret stay buried? As Mick is pulling out all the stops to make the Carter familys first Christmas in The Queen Victoria perfect, it seems as though the rest of the family are desperately trying to keep their secrets. But with ticking time bomb Dean lurking, the Carters are set to explode. READ: DID JANE KILL LUCY BEALE? So many secrets, so many lies - and, with a big twist in the Lucy Beale murder case scheduled for the festive period too, it seems as if theres going to be a LOT to sink our teeth into this December. According to Inside Soap, a video found on Fatboy’s phone will reveal that one resident hasn’t been telling the truth about where they were on the night of the murder. Thinking it’s just a funny clip, Fatboy shows his friends the video but Lee Carter knows the footage is from the night Lucy died. Lee then has to make a decision between confronting the person in question and bringing the new evidence to the police... or just letting it go. SEE: EASTENDERS FINALLY UNVEILS CRUCIAL LUCY BEALE EVIDENCE Doof, doof, doof... What do you think will happen to the Carter family over Christmas?
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 11:56:57 +0000

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