WARNING . . . Palestinians, My Beloved, DO NOT Take the - TopicsExpress


WARNING . . . Palestinians, My Beloved, DO NOT Take the BAIT! This is by far is the stickiest, most vile glue trap in the history of the Palestinian struggle for Liberation The campaigners of Post-Zionism and cultural Zionism are the heirs of the Zionists serial killers. They are the godfathers of Morphing Zionism which I have already warned about. This is the final push for cultural Zionists, to polish their product and repackage it in glitter, and to pretend that they are shedding off their “Zionism” which has already been defunct and obsolete anyway, after the achievement and fulfillment of all its aims (establishing a home land for the Jews in Palestine) After the creation of the Zionist entity, the aims of the Zionist movement were fulfilled, but in order to finalize the dream and secure it forever, they divide themselves into two camps, who appear conflicting and at odds with each other, yet at heart they actually are two sides of the same coin, they are the two “heroes” in the same horror movie, dancing to the same Zionist tune; The first players are the Zionist hawks who use their iron fist to crush Palestinians on the ground, assassinate their leadership, kill their potential think tanks, steal more land, imprison more people, neutralize their spirit of resistance, by doing so they aim to erase hope and aspiration of the entire nation. The second players are the doves, who stealthily and sneakingly prepare the grounds for the last stage of conquest and take over of historic Palestine, wearing a “humanistic” mask, they provide the cover up needed for their brethren to complete their mission on the ground. Now, after establishing their ugly reality on the ground, and feeling the wind f change, which most certainly not in their favour, the doves hasten and dress up in sheep clothing and “offer” us as a “solution” to “transform” the “Zionist Israel” into a “democratic Israel” (knowing all too well that democracy as a system is by now completely vacuous -a system where the rich and powerful elite rule the brainwashed malleable masses). Let us watch one of their “doves” who undoubtedly has been groomed to play a significant role in the future “state” they are preparing their troops for: Miko Peled on the trap of “One State”
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 20:41:43 +0000

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