WARNING: RANT ! RANT ! RANT ! One of the most memorable - TopicsExpress


WARNING: RANT ! RANT ! RANT ! One of the most memorable historic speeches in America is the day Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke the immortal words, “I Have a Dream.” It’s exciting to see how much progress has been made toward this equality while at the same time I’ll state: we have a long way to go before we can confess the Declaration of Independence has been fulfilled. That’s what upsets me so much about the recent pandering politicians who sullied the 50 anniversary celebration of this great speech to push their political agenda by LYING to the American public. Here are five BIG LIES made during speeches at the Lincoln Memorial to push liberal agenda items: 1) “It’s easier to buy an assault weapon than it is to vote in America” – President Bill Clinton. DON’T YOU EVEN BELIEVE THIS !. If you go through a store it actually costs a lot of money, and you need an ID to get a gun permit, but don’t let that get in the way of a false speech point. You need to go through a back ground check. If you want to vote just show up - You don’t even need a photo ID (a electric bill will work). Even if one were to buy an assault weapon on the black market or in the back allies it still cost a lot of money but you don’t need an ID. 2) “the Berlin Wall fell because of the Civil Rights Movement?!” - President Barak Obama I guess he’s saying, “you didn’t do that!” to: President Reagan, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, Pope John Paul, America and the rest of the free world. We’re still waiting on his promise to lower the seas from 2008. 3) “Somehow, racial equality has to do with the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Coup, the Syrian Civil War between Al-Qaeda and Hezbollah, and Trayvon Martin being killed by a Peruvian.” - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s daughter - Bernice King. Moral equivalency will screw anyone who tries to make that point. In fact, Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. called the American government “the greatest purveyor of violence” in reference to the Vietnam War. That doesn’t sound like someone who would have been cheering on a Syrian strike. 4) You can feed hungry people with courage, and also house the homeless in it! – President Barak Obama. You can not “feed” people with courage. THEY WILL STARVE - WITH COURAGE ! ! ! You cannot house the homeless with courage. THEY WILL FREEZE or BE OVERCOME WITH HEAT - WITH COURAGE. 5) “"I think we know how Dr. King would have reacted to our country being awash in guns, and passing more Stand Your Ground laws." - President Jimmy Carter Except, the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. owned an “arsenal” of guns for his own protection, and he even applied for a concealed carry license, which was denied for racist reasons. Sadly, like other things in our society this great historical event has been hijacked by the “LEFTIST” in our society to rewrite history and to once again expand their political agenda. If we don’t confront the LIES of these Leftist and call them out we have nothing to complain about. I, for one, am ashamed of these lies and what this assembly turned out to be - a “Leftist” wing-minded propaganda event. SORRY, REVEREND DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, RIP.
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 14:45:05 +0000

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