WARNING!! SORRY FOR THE BOOK. So i was sitting here thinking just - TopicsExpress


WARNING!! SORRY FOR THE BOOK. So i was sitting here thinking just now i ask for a lot of prayer for miss Addison and a lot of you have no idea whats going on with her.so here is what i know every since she was a baby ( Sorry for the crude language that is about to come.) she has had diarrhea she has never had a formed stool. so when she was like almost 2 we took her to see a GI specialist because of the constant diarrhea and what we thought were recurrent stomach bugs that would last for a month or more.the GI specialist decided to scope her, then they found nothing but one of the biopsies showed she was highly lactose intolerant. (Which we are still not convinced is true LOL) so we tried cutting diary out with no change she continues the diarrhea and having bouts of vomiting every so often. well in February she had to be taken to the ER one evening because her stomach was huge it was distended outward and look like she was pregnant. so i rushed her to the ER they immediately took her back and got an x-ray which showed she was completely full of Air. there initial thought was she had something called intussusception (which is best described as a condition where a portion of the intestine collapses into another portion. This fold causes a painful obstruction.) turns out that wasnt it. after taking her for a CT they then decided it was something called in ileous which is basically when your intestines stop moving.Every since then we have been dealing with the crazy abdominal bloating and distention...which thinking back and looking back at pics of her the bloating and distention has always been there and in the process of all of this we switched pediatrician and we started looking back through her chart i found 2 other times she had been in the ER for other thing and x-ray noted on the report she had ileous and needed to be investigated farther to find out why, but we were never made aware or treated for it. the first time was when she was just a few months old. we have been tested for several things with no answer the only thing we have heard was that at one time they thought it was her lower intestines were not moving. we also keep hearing the word constipation, which make no sense to me but have been told by the Dr here as well as our pediatrician( Which i must note that switching to Melissa Bacchus was the best option we ever made for her.) who have both seen her scans say it is not constipation. so now to explain what all is going on here in Cincinnati. yesterday we brought her in to be admitted they spent all day cleaning her out through an NG Tube with some medicine called go lytely and enemas and rectal irrigation. (i know TMI) it was brutal. Today she went to the OR she was put to sleep and they did an upper endoscopy and a colonoscopy. while in there they placed a catheter tube down her nose into her esophagus into a part of the stomach called the duodenum and they also placed one up her bottom into her small intestines.they also did something called a botox anal dilation which is pretty self explanatory. she has not been allowed out of bed or allowed any food or drink today. they will come in at 8 am and hook those catheter tube to a computer and for 6-8 hours they will test how her intestine are contracting and moving. they will feed her, use medicines that make them contract. then we will be released from the hospital and will have weds and Thursday free. Friday she starts bowel training till the 21st when we meet with the GI specialist and the colorectal Dr. I dont know much about bowel training beside she will have daily x-rays and put on some kind of regimen weather it be medication, or diet, or enemas not sure yet will know more Friday. Im sorry for such a long post i just wanted to let everyone know what they have been praying for. because i have been asked about everything and i want to keep my praying friends and family in the loop.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 23:14:04 +0000

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