WARNING! SPOILER ALERT! DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU DONT WISH TO KNOW THE WHOLE STORY & SCRIPT! This is the treatment of Blackmailing Dad, a feature film script I have written: Blackmailing Dad Characters: Zack Cox, 17- Models for Mum Jennifers modelling agency, & attends last year of high school. Unspoilt by familys wealth, although mean to Dad Mark due to lack of attention from him, which he desperately craves. Although apparently disliking Mark, hes secretly sought his approval for years, but loves Jennifer, whos there when needed. Betrayal towards Jennifer creates intense feelings of guilt. Mark Cox, 43- Obscenely wealthy workaholic, looks bely his years, owns & runs own extremely successful car company, appears selfish to his wife & son, who dont know him anymore. Underneath, he wants whats best for them, & works hard for them, yet has a secret he wants kept from Jennifer. Jennifer Cox, 42- A former model, runs successful modelling agency. She gives to all she loves, Mark, Zack & Emily, whom she treats as her own daughter. Shes loyally feisty when it comes to defending them, yet doesnt make a habit of jumping to conclusions. Misses man Mark used to be. Emily Lowe, 17- Zacks girlfriend, later fiancé. Lost her Mum at a young age, whilst Dads overly protective, pushing her away. Ambitious, keeps successful modelling career a secret from Zack, though working for Jennifer. Matt Campbell, 17- Supposedly Zacks best friend since kindergarten, but a jealous, conniving, deceitful, troublemaker who wants Emily, & fools Tim. Tim Lowe, 40- Emilys Dad. Works at Marks company, A misguided individual who thinks he loves his daughter & knows whats best for her. Leah Buckman, 23 - Zacks former babysitter, works as Marks business partner, though Jennifer & Zack mustnt find out, lest either get jealous. A determined, ambitious, voluptuous woman who knows what she wants, gets it, & wont let anyone get in her way. Jack ONeill, 66 - Jennifers Dad whos never liked Mark. Extremely defensive when it comes to Jennifer. Angry man with chip on his shoulder. Patricia ONeill, 64 – Jennifer’s Mum. Peacemaker, calm, level headed, well intentioned, especially loves to organise wedding themes, with bad consequences. Harvey Cox, 68 - Marks Dad. Self confident, cheerful, cheeky, lords it over Jack. An ambitious man whos done exceedingly well for himself. Margaret Cox, 67 - Marks Mum. A spoilt, pampered, snobby woman. Blackmailing Dad Zack Cox invites Mark to parent student school social. Mark lets him down, doesnt turn up. Zack refuses to allow any more excuses. Jennifer sends Zack to drop off present at Marks office, Zack overhears phone call, assumes from what he hears Marks having an affair with Leah. Leaving in haste, he recalls hes running late to meet Emily. Whilst on beach, he sees Leah, & is consumed by a secret he cant share, but she knows somethings up. Emily has her own secret, that she models for Jennifer, is about to hit it bigtime. Kissing Emily goodbye outside her house, Tim sees them, reads into it, determines to break them up, set her up with Matt. That night at dinner, both Jennifer & Zack make Mark uncomfortable. Once Jennifers called away for a lengthy phone call, Zack seizes the chance to challenge Mark, blackmailing him for saying nothing to Jennifer about what hes heard. Wanting the secret kept from Jennifer at all costs, he agrees to Zacks blackmail proposal of regular hush money payments into his bank account, & new sports car. Both having difficulty sleeping, Zack & Jennifer discuss Mark. Jennifer reveals hes like a new man, the one she fell in love with. Zack almost gives into overwhelming guilt to tell her his version of the secret, but smells the velour in his new sports car. Later that day, having had a day off school, Zack visits Emilys house unannounced. He hears a visitor inside, Tim answers door, refuses to let him in, tells him Emily no longer wants to see him, shuts door. Zack hears Emily try to get to him, begging, pleading to see Zack, fighting with Tim over him. Zack repeatedly pounds door, calls out Emilys name, Emily calls Zacks name, & tries to get to the door, buts restrained by Tims brute force. Zack goes home. Perceptive Jennifer wants details, promptly rings Tim. Arguing to no avail, she hangs up, suggests Zack try Emilys mobile. No sooner does she speak, then phones wrenched from her hand, call ends. Zack heads for Emilys house, collects spare keys from under pot plant, quietly opens doors. Once in, hears someone, hides, Tim comes down hallway, slams front door, leaves. Overhearing Matt hitting on Emily, & her resistance, Zack kicks loungeroom door open. Stunned, Matt spins around, Emily races to Zack, both make haste out of house. At secret cave, they discuss situation, Zack refuses to take advantage of Emilys vulnerability, despite her initiating intimacy. Jennifer decides given Emilys refusal to return home, she can stay with them. Zack goes to Matts house to confront him over what happened with Emily, leaves him doubled over with nose bleed. Returning home, Tim blocks entry to mansion, demands Emilys release, tries to attack Zack. Jennifer races out, pushes Tim over, threatens if he doesnt leave shell use remote control in her back pocket, release dogs onto him. Whilst Emily sleeps, Zack stumbles across her diary, reads entry in it about Matt on night of social. Zack rings Mark at work, demands over double his initial weekly payment. Zack takes Mark, Jennifer & Emily with him to car yard to buy sports car, frightens Mark with first test drive. Arriving home with car, Jennifer blows up at Mark as he takes off again. Zacks concern for Jennifer takes over, he finds her in tears, seeks to find out if Marks ever been unfaithful to her ever, to her knowledge. A fortnight later, Jennifers overseas with modelling work. Zack makes discovery that Leahs asleep in parents bed, though Mark isnt. In time it takes to get studio camera, shes left. Zack leaves message on Leahs answering machine, tells her to keep away from mansion, that he knows about her & Mark. Next morning, Zack wakes to find Emily quizzes him about studio camera. Zack says he took photos of her whilst sleeping, she asks does he think shes got what it takes to be model, then produces stack of photo shoots work, dumps them on bed. Zack upset,Emily storms out, feels lower than ever, heads straight for cliff overlooking ocean. Just as shes about to step off cliff, Zack yanks her back, forgives her. Returning to mansion, Zack spots unfamiliar car, thinks its Leahs. Races inside, leaves Emily behind, hears voices in modelling studio, flings studio door open, finds Mark doing photo shoot with a model. Mark excuses himself, warns Zack never to interrupt a photo shoot again. Needing to think, Zack sneaks out of mansion so Emily wont know, heads for beach. As he walks along, he discovers Tim kissing a woman, spots wedding ring on her finger. Next, Leah confronts him, tells him things arent always as they seem. The next morning Zack confronts Mark about Leahs sleeping in their bedroom, only to have Mark say there are any number of reasons why she slept there that night. Zack tells Emily about Tim & his new wife. Jennifer rings from Singapore on flight home to tell them theres been a bomb threat made, so flights delayed. Zack dozes off, awakes to phone call telling him theres been plane malfunction close to Sydney, Jennifer laya unconscious, fighting for life in hospital. Family are told, all go up to hospital, wait. Mark shows he loves her, puzzles Zack. Jack & Patricia arrive, awkwardness between Mark & Jack. Nurse tells them to leave ward, need to operate, relieve pressure on Jennifers brain to avoid further complications. Mark does some soul searching, Jennifers condition remains stable after operation. A famous model who started with Jennifer visits. Next morning, Zacks surprised to meet Matt in hospital corridor. Zack indicates to Matt to enter nearby empty room. Matt hits Zack in nose, makes it bleed. Zack winds Matt in stomach, Matt leaves room to escape any more damage. Emily rushes to check on Zack, Harvey & Margaret arrive, provide pleasant distraction. Mark pours out heart to Jennifer. Then, Jennifer starts to choke, & Mark calls out for nurse. Nurse requests privacy, Mark refuses to leave room, warned, obliges. Emily confronts Zack to not put off their future together anymore, unaware Zacks already got a ring. Zack proposes. They announce news to family, Patricia offers to help with wedding, Jack to rescue. Harvey & Jack have disagreement, Patricia restrains Jack from further action. All celebrate engagement that night. Next morning, Mark receives news Jennifers been rushed to theatre, losing much blood. Asking to be left alone, whilst Zack & Emily are left in the dark, Zack fires up. Zack confesses to Emily hes profited from keeping something from someone, Emily puts some pieces together. Angry, she flings engagement ring off, calls off engagement. Emily dresses Zack down, until he feels lower than ever. Zack runs bath, then holds breath under water until losing consciousness. Mark revives Zack, in nick of time, having been home for some time, Emily confronts him about secret from Jennifer, grabs her stuff to leave. Leah enters bathroom, they discuss revealing secret. Mark dries Zack off, whilst Leah gets clothes. Emily knocks at door, back for more stuff, Leah answers, suggests they talk. Leah gives Mark clothes for Zack, returns to Emily, discusses business proposition with her, gets her excited. Reassured by Leah Zacks done the right thing, Emily agrees once more to marry him. Zacks taken on stretcher to hospital overnight for observation. Jennifer deteriorates dramatically, on life support, Zack regains consciousness. With Mark a mess, Leah takes charge, vows to keep him posted. Emily & Zack make some wedding plans, includes Mark as best man. Zack rings taxi, sneaks out of hospital, gets taken home. Finds Marks there for some things for Jennifer, despite her condition. Mark & Zack have heart to heart, sort out what they must. Emily turns up in 2nd taxi, tells them Leah came to hospital looking for Mark, alls complete, he should contact her. Zack lets Mark use his sports car to go meet Leah. Jennifer dies, family have say. After funeral, all meet in boardroom for will reading. Emily left to run modelling agency, with Marks help. Zacks left alone in boardroom, finds letter from Jennifer to him, reads it, learns much from its contents, realises how wrong hes been about Mark for so long. Mark interrupts, urges Zack to go straight to loungeroom, where others are. Leah puts TV on, announcer announces Cox Vehicles Pty Ltd, Success Modelling Agency will merge, Success Modelling Agency opens next Monday in all major Australian cities, & to open 1st agency in US, L.A., next year, will be new company president, Emily Lowe. Cox Vehicles Pty Ltd also expanding into US, starting with Chicago, headed by new president, Leah Buckman. Mark Cox retires, whilst son Zachary will become new vice president after given training, turning 18 shortly.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 01:23:04 +0000

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