WARNING THIS IS A FICTIONAL NOVEL TITLED, “THE CHARACTER ASSASSINATION OF ELLEN POW”. IN THIS FICTITIOUS NOVEL I USE BIBLICAL CHARACTERS FOUND IN RELIGION OF CHRISTIANITY, ISLAM, HEBREW, AND OTHERS… IF I OFFEND YOU, UNDERSTAND THIS IS WHAT THIS WARNING IS FOR. I AM A CHRISTIAN AND READ SOME OF -THE BIBLE-. TO UNDERSTAND THAT I AM A CHRISTIAN ONE’LL FIND I USE THE LORD AND CHRIST AND GOD AND IMMACULATE MARY AND JOSEPH AND SATAN AS LUCIFER AND THE DEVIL. SATAN IS USED AS AN ANGEL ALSO THE PRINCE OF DARKNESS. I UNDERSTAND THE THING IS DIFFERENT IN OTHER RELIGIONS, BUT AGAIN THIS IS WHAT THIS WARNING IS FOR. ANGELS WILL BE FOUND IN THIS NOVEL OTHER THAN THE DEVIL. TO SEE THE FULL STORY OF CHRISTIANITY READ “THE BIBLE”. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE. 1/19/2015. MICROSOFT WORD DOCUMENT OF MATTHEW PAUL JOHN GUIDICE. CHERRIO AND AGAIN THANK YOU FOR READING MY NOVEL. The Character Assassination of Ellen Pow by: Matthew P. Guidice Chapter 10 Plummy Avenue The day is of a mixed colored horizon; green behind the three and white in front. Where the horizon met to Haberdashery’s, Colleen’s, and Luke’s left and right was a sharp, poking blend of these colors. The sky in itself was very articulate with the sun in the east that shares the sky with clouds of lightning and thunder. Haberdashery’s juices were flowing to mind the lightning storm striking down the carriage filled redbrick road as the three entered a shop to purchase breakfast. The shop opened up to the smell of a bakery: a store to Colleen that reminds her of home. The stove is bigger here and the bread smells better as a kid wearing a look of happiness breaks into the yeast filled loaf standing in front of a small but wide shelf holding packaged pastries in the corner nearest the exit door. His top hat is of an Italian make and his patched pants are still tearing at the kneecaps.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 09:38:00 +0000

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