WARNING, THIS MAY BE CONTROVERSIAL FOR SOME. But as you read, keep - TopicsExpress


WARNING, THIS MAY BE CONTROVERSIAL FOR SOME. But as you read, keep an open mind. I want to hear your thoughts: There is a deep fundamental issue with communities that have experienced injustice at the hands of others, all communities across the globe. Because of grave injustices, it is easy to allow the belief that we are “entitled” to become a way of thinking, and rightfully so. No one deserves discrimination, rape, torture, etc. So while feeling entitled to recompense is understood, it is also dangerous. God is the one who seeks justice, not man. As long as we feel entitled to justice, we will lose sight of our own worthiness as a community and potentially as individuals. Seeking justice leads to the need to prove ourselves. But cultivating worthiness leads to success, forgiveness, empowerment and greater self esteem as a community at large and as individuals. If wounded communities cultivate worthiness while letting justice and revenge belong to God, we can accomplish more than our ancestors could have ever dreamed possible for us, the world is our oyster. God has and will continue to seek justice for the mistreated, oppressed and abused. “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Galatians 6:7
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 14:21:32 +0000

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